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One more step towards driving safety from Volvo

Volvo has developed a circular surveillance system for cars, which, using special sensors, collects data about road users outside the visibility zone of the driver and analyzes them. The analysis is to predict the possible actions of pedestrians, cyclists and cars. If necessary, the driver receives a notification, if he does not respond to it, the system takes the initiative. The technology is called Non-Hit Car and Truck, its commercial use can begin in 5-10 years.
Video with an example of the system.

Previously, Volvo has set itself the task of reducing accidents with the participation of its cars. Now they are setting even more ambitious plans for themselves: by 2020, to set up production of vehicles, under whose wheels no one will die and no serious injuries will be received.

Updated. Excerpt from the official press release of Volvo Trucks .
I hope that this excerpt will resolve some controversy in the comments. The most important places highlighted in bold.

Virtual driver-mate

The main element of this technology is a digital platform that synthesizes incoming data from video cameras, radars and other sensors located around the perimeter of the car. It allows the car to scan every 25 milliseconds of everything that happens around it, with a 360-degree view. All incoming data are interpreted, situations that represent a risk are analyzed, and various variants of vehicle movement are generated. Due to the combination of several sensory systems, the technology is able to recognize various road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, as well as other vehicles. It can determine both the distance to them and the direction of their movement.
“This technology is able to predict scenarios for the development of the situation on the road, depending on the speed of movement of objects, 5 seconds ahead and make the most optimal plan of action,” said Mansur Keshavarts, an engineer for the development of systems at Volvo Trucks, who participated in the work on this technology. - This technology largely works as a driver-partner , but one that can see everything that happens around the car. It also warns the driver about what is happening, for example, using an alarm or by activating braking to avoid a collision so that the driver can react. ”
Tasks to be solved

The technology is not yet ready for use as a selling security system. Compared with similar automation systems for passenger cars, it is necessary to overcome specific difficulties when designing technology for trucks.
“A truck is a different type of vehicle, it does not behave on the road like a passenger car. Each truck, for example, has a different distribution of cargo, and its large overall dimensions do not allow to perform such maneuvers, such as sharp evasion in order to avoid a collision.
Therefore, it is so important to research and develop technologies designed specifically for trucks, ”says Mansur Kechavarz.
According to Karl Johan Almqvist, this technology will appear on the market in 5-10 years: “Its main elements are already ready, but we will need to carry out large-scale tests to make sure that the system is reliable. If we manage to cope with open questions, then the future without accidents involving trucks is not far off. ”

Facts about the Non-Hit Car and Truck project:

Opened in September 2010 in collaboration with Volvo Car Corporation, ÅF Group, HiQ, Mecel and Chalmers University of Technology.
The main objective of the project was to create technologies that would reduce the risk of accidents involving both cars and trucks, with particular attention to situations in which the capabilities of active safety systems are insufficient.
The project is scheduled to be completed in December 2014, and the results of the research will allow the development of new active safety systems, the release of which to the market in a complete set of trucks is expected in 5 to 10 years.

Facts about current active security systems Volvo Trucks:

A collision warning system with emergency braking is an advanced emergency braking system, equipped with an early collision warning function that helps prevent serious accidents caused by driver negligence.
The warning system when rebuilding - detects vehicles in the dead zone on the passenger side.
The system of notification of deviation from the lane - monitors the position of the truck relative to the lane. When a displacement or exit of a truck beyond the boundaries of the lane is detected, the driver receives a warning signal in order to be able to regain control of control and prevent an accident.
Attention Support System - recognizes the fatigue condition of the driver and recommends him to take a break.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239821/

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