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New spacecraft NASA "Orion" will go on the first flight on December 4

By the first flight of the new reusable Orion spacecraft, NASA published a cool video called “Fire Test”, demonstrating what Orion’s first test will be and revealing its basic parameters.

Picture Gizmodo

The Orion will be launched on its first flight on the Delta rocket on December 4th. This ship will replace the "Shuttle" and in the future will deliver people to the Moon and Mars.

Only a month ago, NASA announced the completion of the construction of the first Orion module , and now it is in the final stage of preparation for the flight. The first flight will take place without people on board at an altitude of 5800 km and take 4.5 hours, during which the main functions will be tested, ensuring the flights of people to deep space. After two revolutions around the Earth, the Orion will enter the atmosphere at a speed of approximately 30,000 km / h (8 km / s) and heat up to 2,200 degrees Celsius before parachutes unfold for safe landing in the Pacific Ocean.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239815/

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