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In Russia, it is proposed to abolish the principle of “net neutrality”

The Federal Antimonopoly Service proposes to introduce special, higher tariffs for the traffic of those resources that generate it in large quantities, and thereby increase the load on the networks of providers. According to Vedomosti, the Federal Antimonopoly Service has sent a working proposal to the government on amendments to the Federal Law "On Telecommunications", as well as a number of regulatory acts that regulate the procedure for providing communication services. They formulate their position in the department as follows: it is assumed that the law will fix the rule on “uninterrupted access” to any resources, as well as prohibiting providers of prioritizing the traffic of one resource (or one type of traffic) over another.

At the same time, on the basis of this document, it is proposed to implement a mechanism by which providers will be able to consider their channels not as a “pipe” for traffic, but as “providing a service other than accessing the network”, and, in exchange for an additional fee , to guarantee subscribers high-quality and uninterrupted access to resources and services that require a wide band for their work.

In its proposal, the FAS refers mainly to the conditional “international trend in the regulation of relations between providers and subscribers,” and cites as an example the recent FCC decision, which also allows American providers to require additional fees for using resources that consume a large amount of traffic.
However, there is a key difference between these two proposals - the FCC offers providers to “demand tribute” from operators and service owners themselves, such as YouTube, while, based on the wording in the document proposed by FAS, an additional fee will be charged directly to subscribers

- www.vedomosti.ru/tech/news/34467231/doplata-za-youtube (original)
- lenta.ru/news/2014/10/09/traffick (almost literal copy-paste from Vedomosti)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239783/

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