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Problem of choice

Nowadays, every person is a consumer. And this is not the beginning of a wrathful tirade about the disintegration of society and not a panegyric of the current system of market relations, but simply a statement of fact. Every day we are confronted with the problem of choice and often do not give ourselves an account of the influence of various factors that force us to take one decision or another. And if in the case of going to the grocery store, we can ignore common sense and unleash our emotional outbursts, which force us to recruit a lot of things that will not bring us any real benefit, but in the case of a serious acquisition, the situation is different. After all, if the purchase price makes a significant amendment to the monthly, and even the annual budget - the luxury of a hasty decision is impermissible.

There are several types of sellers. The first type is in pairs . I call them that because for these people to sell something is more important than to sell what is necessary for the client . This is absolutely indifferent to what you want to get, he is not interested in this work, in which his talent is not appreciated. There are a lot of such sellers and most often they work in different retail networks that make the main money on sales volumes. Naturally, they are most interested in two things: sell and do it quickly . If you have the opportunity to find the thing that interests you in another place - do it. If this is not possible, then you need to prove yourself as competent as possible in the type of product you are going to buy. This will virtually eliminate such a seller from the sale process, then you yourself can calmly ask the necessary questions, monitor the quality of the goods and ensure that everything is arranged correctly. This is the most time-consuming way, it requires a thoughtful reading of many reviews, thematic forums and other discussions, and although this gives a good understanding of what you really need, it takes a lot of time.

The next type is the correct seller . These guys honestly do their job, politely trying to figure out what you need. Even if they understand that you are only interested now, they devote the necessary time to answering your questions. Create a positive image of your own company due to the good attitude towards customers. The level of knowledge in the area in which they are engaged is much higher than that of employees , so you can safely contact such vendors in order to determine the “suspect circle” as accurately as possible, and then get information only on products of interest.
And the last option is the fans . These guys love their product and love their customers. They always try to help everyone and approach the process of communication as best as possible. Such a person can no longer be perceived as a simple seller, especially since you see a real desire to achieve mutual benefit. This causes trust, establishes contact. Almost certainly you will return to the same place and buy from this person what he advised you. A fan is rarely found in any ordinary store, because they most often work in highly specialized areas that are of interest to them personally and in organizations that rely on good service and higher margins. These sellers can safely go with a zero level of knowledge, as they, perhaps, will strongly advise you to purchase a more expensive thing, but they will never try to make an idiot out of you.

The basic rules that I have formulated for myself about the process of choosing things:

1. The miser pays twice, and if you like the thing, don’t stand behind the price.
2. Never buy anything at once, it is better to go several times. To ask. Think out.
3. Buy from experts. Reputation is more important than possible savings.
4. Get the maximum amount of product information from different sources. Check it out.
5. Be guided not only by the objective properties of the product, but also by your inner feelings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23977/

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