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SixApart changes strategy

SixApart logo The SixApart company, the name of which imposed on the ears of the RuNet audience during the story with the SUP and LiveJournal.com, on Monday announced a "significant milestone in its history." Simply put, the company decided to seriously address the monetization of its blog services TypePad, Movable Type and Vox. For this purpose, she acquired the consulting firm Apperceptive and divided her business into the service and media parts.

The first one will do what SixApart formally did last week - to develop and improve services targeted at the end customer, that is, a blogger (private or corporate). Its core was made up of Appecerptive (this beautiful word causes strange associations ) that have eaten a whole pack of dogs in organizing online communities for famous (Washington Post, BoingBoing) and not-so (Gothamist) customers. The New York office of the acquired firm will become the fourth office of SixApart, along with offices in San Francisco, Paris and Tokyo.

The second hypostasis of the company will undertake the mission to connect advertisers, bloggers and advertisers bloggers among themselves and with each other. Having a multimillion audience of the world premium class, SixApart, according to many, was long overdue to start cutting coupons from it. So her current move was perceived in the spirit of “well, finally!” Even by opinion leaders of the communities and circles of both numerous TypePad paid blogs and the ever-growing Vox.

I think it is possible to rely on SixApart's long experience in finding an approach to the public and to predict in advance the high effectiveness of advertising campaigns in its network. Although it is necessary to recognize the company's rather high appetites for both the bloggers themselves (TypePad accounts are still very expensive for the owners) and for the partners.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23971/

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