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Trilateration with iBeacons, iOS security and VKontakte mobile advertising on #MBLTDev

October 28 in Moscow, we hold our first conference of mobile developers #MBLTDev . We have already told that foreign and Russian representatives of PayPal, VKontakte, Artsy, Parallels, TCS Bank, Typhoon, Soundcloud, Intel, ViaForensics, Classmates, Aviasales, Realm and others will speak at the conference. Today we will talk more about the three reports.


Alexander Cherny will make a presentation “Trilateration with the help of iBeacon” and tell you:

At the end of the speech, Alexander will show trilateration from the stage.

Andrei Belenko from ViaForensics will talk about iOS security . Andrew will address in his speech the recent history of backdoors in iOS and (in the light of recent events) the security of iCloud.


Also, he will tell you what you need to pay attention to when developing applications from a security point of view and what you absolutely cannot do. Andrei will demonstrate the interception of network traffic and show why public Wi-Fi hotspots are bad and why you need SSL / TLS.

The only non-technical presentation at the conference will be the report “Mobile advertising on VKontakte” by the head of advertising product development for VKontakte Andrei Novoselsky.


In his speech, Andrei will talk about VKontakte mobile users and trends in runet, present a new advertising format, and also share first results and development plans.

All speakers and presentations can be found on the official conference website . You can also register there. The cost of one ticket is 5,000 rubles, with the purchase of 2 or more - a 30% discount.

Action for users

Active and useful users of Habrahabr can get a discount on #MBLTDev depending on the size of their karma. For example, if karma is 23, then the discount will be 23%. Maximum discount - 90%.

To get a discount, send me a personal message from your account with the mark "#MBLTDev". To purchase a ticket you need to register on the conference website. Ticket can not be transferred to another person.

You can follow news about the conference on Twitter and Facebook .

Organizers of e-Legion and RAEC.

Partners: Odnoklassniki, Tinkoff Credit Systems, VKontakte, Digital October.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239707/

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