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RBC will lure Russian children into a social network

RBC Information Systems has officially announced the conclusion of an exclusive licensing agreement with Tweegee to open the Russian version of Israel’s largest children's social network, Tipo . It will be the first social network in Russia created specifically for children. As previously reported , RBC is investing about $ 6 million in the project.

Tweegee has extensive experience in creating social networks for children and is one of the leading players in the global market for children's social networks and the absolute leader in Israel. Suffice to say that now more than 80% of Israeli children between the ages of 8 and 14 are regular users of the Tipo social network.

The site has created a unique safe environment for communication and child development. Children can play multiplayer online games, chat, keep diaries, post video blogs, search for new friends by interests, store photos and videos, build virtual worlds. Special tools adapted for children allow the child to easily create their own personal website. So, over the past year, users of the tipo.co.il portal have built more than 870,000 personal sites.
“RBC is certainly interesting for children’s audience,” Artem Inyutin, general director of RBC Media, comments on the deal. - In the RBC portfolio there are successful projects that meet the requirements of an adult and youthful audience. And the next natural stage of our development is the creation of products oriented to children. For us, this is a new category of users, which in general is growing very dynamically and will be able to attract new advertisers. Now in Russia, millions of children use the Internet both at home and in schools, and the market niche of children's online projects is still free. With the help of many years of experience from our partner, Tweegee, we will open a network in Russia that will put a high level of quality in this niche. And this is very important, since children are consumers to whom we are obliged to give the best. ”

“We have over four years of work with this unique and wonderful audience. We have developed a new approach and a look at a fast-growing children's audience, which, ultimately, is the main user of Web 2.0, said Johai Raifeld, chairman of the board of directors of Tweegee. - The technology of creating children's social networks has been successfully tested in Israel, a high-tech country where most children have access to broadband Internet. We have developed tools for children's creativity on the web and created a secure Internet environment that meets the requirements of parents. The next stage of development of Tweegee is the international network of children's portals. We are currently preparing to launch the Tweegee.com site in the United States. And of course, the localization of the children's social network in Russia is a strategic goal for us. We have created a leading online children's project in Israel and intend, with the help of our partner, RBC, to take a leading position in the Russian market. ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23970/

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