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Presentation of TypeScript for Java Developers at the Luxoft Technology Series webinar

Luxoft, represents IT expert Sander Mac, who will conduct a webinar on October 16 at 17.00CET.

Sander Mac, who regularly speaks at international conferences for developers and creates scalable software at Luminis Technologies, once again participates in the Luxoft Technology Series webinars with a presentation titled “TypeScript for Java Developers” .

Sander will show how using TypeScript can improve the quality of development on the client side and avoid unwanted growth of JavaScript. Sander has a decade of experience with the Java Virtual Machine and specializes in the development of modular Java and JavaScript applications.
The presentation will cover TypeScript from the perspective of Java developers who also write client-side JavaScript scripts. The presenter will show that TypeScript encoding is more modular, reliable and fun.

To participate in the webinar, which will be the Sunder Mac, you must register on the website: www.luxoft.com/lts
For more information on the Luxoft Technology Series webinar series, visit the special website: www.luxoft.com/lts


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239687/

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