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Charming marketing

Cartoon characters, friendly animals and cool heroes of fantastic films, in which promoters are dressed around shopping centers and other public places, are becoming a thing of the past ... They were replaced by multifunctional intelligent robots, more like aliens, equipped with unprecedented functionality and options. Their main tasks are to attract new customers, the presentation of goods and the promotion of services, as well as the collection and analysis of information about potential customers. These guys do not need a vacation and a lunch break, they don’t ask for a pay rise, they don’t get sick and do not mess around. Their operation time is limited only by battery power. However, this too will soon cease to be any significant problem.


A team of 12 professionals led by Alexei Yuzhakov and Oleg Kivokurtsev, already known to you on the project to create a robot snow thrower Omi-Robotics (inno.msk.ru/press-center/future/generation_s/1575), took on the implementation of a new, very ambitious and a very curious project - the creation of a robotized employee in the retail sphere - the Promobot robot promoter. It is with this project that the development team reached the semifinals of the GenerationS contest. Acting under the slogan “The future will come in any case! Let's shape it together! ”, The designers equipped the humanoid creature with a video analysis system, a microphone array, a swivel neck, a touch screen display on the chest and a promotional display on the stomach, supplemented with manipulator hands, mounted obstacle sensors, like car parking sensors, and put on moving the platform. Looks - amazingly beautiful, acts - delicately accurate, understands - instantly, the overall impression is breathtakingly!

It is clear that such an impressive inhabitant of any business center or entertainment complex will immediately become the universal favorite. That's the calculation. So, Promobot is guaranteed to help its owners attract, sell, personalize new and regular customers, hold presentations and provide advice. Promobot also knows how to answer direct and indirect questions. Due to this, the client will be able to quickly obtain information regarding the necessary product or service. “He also recognizes familiar faces. People are pleased when they are recognized and greeted. So loyalty increases, - Oleg Kivokurtsev notes. - In addition, the robot is able to generate statistics and metrics about visitors. Thanks to the personalization system, this is very effective, because the owners see who their customers are, understand their gender and age characteristics, and even their names. In essence, this is all marketing in one solution. ”
The maximum operating time of the Promobot is 8 hours (then you need to recharge the battery), the speed of movement around the site is 5 km / h, the robot has 100 thousand voice modules in a speech emulator and the ability to memorize up to 1000 people. To monetize the project, the Promobot team counts at the expense of their own sales (the retail price will be about $ 10,000), after-sales service and installation of additional software. Initial investment in the project amounted to 7 million rubles. Today, already 20 robots work in various places throughout Russia. Now the company creator Promobot is looking for partners to enter global markets. By the end of 2014, it is planned to organize a network of 50 dealer centers around the world, and by the middle of 2016 - to sell at least 1,000 robots annually.
Potential buyers of the promotional robot are retailers, business center owners, cinemas, shopping and entertainment complexes. The volume of the global market for advertising robots is estimated by the creators of the project at $ 1.7 billion and they expect to soon occupy their niche in it. By the way, the next step is a robot guide to work in museums.
We will follow the development of events.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239679/

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