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DataTalks: Data Analysis for Solving Business Problems

October 25 in Minsk will be the first meeting of DataTalks.


DataTalks are:
• Informal meetings of business analysts and data analysis specialists
• Professional communication and networking with experts from Belarus and the CIS
• Ability to learn about the latest experience in applying data analytics to solve business problems in companies operating in the global and local markets
• A good reason to ask questions to experts and share their own experiences.
For whom? Business analysts, researchers, project managers, information architects and system analysts. DataTalks - for anyone who uses or intends to use in their work data analysis or complex mathematical algorithms, both for reporting and decision-making, and for the creation of information systems.

The first meeting, in fact, an acquaintance, will be devoted to the identification of interesting topics in the field of practical application of data analysis. They will form the basis of subsequent meetings of the analyst community.

Program of the meeting 10.25.2014
1. Mikhail Levin, Head of Big Data Analysis Group, Yandex Data Factory
Report: “How to make millions from your data and machine learning”
Mikhail will talk about how the work on improving the quality of Yandex.Direct is arranged, on which Yandex earns most of its money. The central role in this is played by the task of predicting the probability of a click on an ad. He will tell you how these formulas are selected, what is optimized, how additional millions are earned and how the company is convinced that they have really earned, as well as how everything is automated. And as a result, the whole process becomes more efficient.
2. Sergey Kadomsky, Wargaming Research Director
Report: “How to sell analytics to business”
A story about how analytics were built and used in Wargaming. A number of examples will be shown, among which will be a story about the use of data mining to analyze the behavior of the game audience and other business problems.
3. Alexander Grinchuk, Associate Professor at the BSMT BSU, conducts the course “Data Mining: Search for Hidden Patterns” for MBA program participants, introduces data mining in Belarusian companies for more than 5 years
Report: "The practical application of data mining technologies on the example of real business problems in various industries"
Alexander will give a general description of the business intelligence market in Belarus. Using the example of real business problems, he will talk about the problems faced by experts when implementing Data Mining, and how these problems can be solved with the help of software.
4. Ksenia Petrova, COO dmlabs.org
Report: "Data Mining in practice: the pitfalls of analysis"
In her report, Ksenia will talk about major errors in Data Minning and how to avoid them. It will explain what the cycle looks like when solving problems in data analysis and why tasks cannot be solved head-on.

The program is still being formed.

The entrance is free. Pre-registration is required .
Date: October 25 (Saturday)
Welcome coffee and on-site check-in: 11:30
Duration: from 12.00 to 18.00
Venue: Minsk, Partizansky Avenue, 178/2 (office of the company Wargaming)
To the venue of the meeting is organized free delivery from the station. m. Mogilev (Wargaming shuttle, every 10-15 minutes)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239673/

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