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We invite you to a lecture and a seminar by Vitaly Friedman

Today we are pleased to announce that Vitaly Friedman , the editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine magazine , one of the most famous people in the world of web design, comes to our Moscow office of Mail.Ru Group. He will hold two events. The first is an open lecture. Theme of the speech: “Responsive Web-design: Tricks and tricks” .

In his speech, Vitaly will touch on the following key points:
  1. How to achieve responsiveness of web design, without spending too much financial and professional resources.
  2. How to optimize the responsiveness of a website. Experience based on real-life cases from sites such as The Guardian, BBC and Smashing Magazine.
  3. New tricks for SVG.
  4. New responsive design templates.

The lecture will be held on November 14 at 19.00. To visit it you need to register . Attention, the number of places is limited! Read more about the seminar and how to get to it read under the cut.

And the next day, November 15, Vitaly will also hold an exclusive in-depth seminar on a similar topic at the Mail.Ru Group office. Vitaly will give all sorts of practical advice and share tricks with which he succeeds in successfully completing complex and large orders. The methods he shares are taken from his own practice, as well as major eCommerce projects, online magazines and web applications.

The workshop will consist of two parts. The first half of the day is devoted to the development of / UX, RWD workflow, design patterns, responsive components and a delightful UX. The second half covers technical considerations, front-end techniques and strategies.

And now a very important point. Why are we already announcing this event today? Only 50 people can attend the seminar. And for this you need to complete the task "Responsive Design Mail.Ru Challenge".

You need to offer a new design of the main page of the Mail.Ru portal. We do not limit you in any way in means and methods; you can apply the most interesting, unusual and complex responsive techniques. The condition is only one thing - the project should be interesting and non-standard.

Works are accepted until October 31 inclusive , send them to workshop@corp.mail.ru . On November 7, 50 best projects will be announced, and their authors will receive an invitation to participate in the seminar.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239671/

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