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The development of the module SMFforum Integration module was terminated due to complaints Simple Machines

There is a great module for integrating the SMFforum forum into Drupal .
Website development is conducted here
At the moment there is a problem on the basis of licensing considerations, as a result, further development of the module is impossible!

There is already some reaction to the event.

What the module author himself writes:

According to letters from Michael "Oldiesmann" Eshom, Project Manager, Simple Machines LLC:

“SMF integration module contains modified SMF functions.
"It is a violation of the license between the SMF and the Drupal, you can not distribute it."

“The problem is with the smfforum.module file distributed on drupal.org.

Michael Eshom asked me to:

"Please note your license.
Bridging and drupal bridging
SMF functions in your code. You need to customize your functionality. "

Now all smf_api_2.zip packages have been removed from the support site .
Without smf_api_2.zip package smfforum.module cannot work.
I see no point in rewriting a large amount of code in smf_api_2.zip in order to have access to the SMF code, without partially using this code itself.
As it provides identical results and ensures high quality api functionality.
This whole deadlock is impossible in open source software and was due to license incompatibility.
the smfforum.module module, which is under the GPLv2 and the smf_api_2.zip package, which is under the non-GPL license (SMF license).
I decided to stop developing the smfforum.module module and the smf_api_2.zip package.
All existing users will receive support and updates that correct errors on vgb.org.ru or through the contact form.
The original appeal here is drupal.org/node/248543

From myself, I add that this is another nuisance due to licenses and the concept of openness and freedom.
I myself set up one of the projects with such a bunch. But if the problem is not solved, I will look for other solutions. SMF likes its speed, ease, I think now I will look now towards punbb.
And I really want to believe that everything will come to its senses, and there will be few such situations in the world.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23967/

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