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Alternative outcome of creating a strong AI

(Omniscient one)

Probably, there is not a single person at Habré who has never thought about a possible approximation of a technical singularity and the creation of a strong artificial intelligence, which will become the very frontier of utopian reality. Many books were written, many thoughts were expressed and even more was not understood. Each of you, or at least the majority, is either deeply confident in the altruistic intentions of the AI, or believes that the creation of the same machine, program, agent, positron brain, etc. will become a point of no return, after which, for various reasons, the impossibility of creation to realize the whole value of humanity, and life in general, will lead to the extermination of ourselves and everything that can somehow interfere with your intelligence. But what if there is an alternative?

What if artificial intelligence does not become our doom, but it also will not be a new beginning? What if the desire to help would make it impossible to neglect the deeply programmed three laws? We will find ourselves in a large prison, from which literally even death does not help to get out. Think about how many diseases we can cure today, how many deaths or even trivial injuries we can avoid, using information and skillfully manipulating it. And now think what can make a creature with this information that many times exceeds not any form of life in the explored Universe, but any possible symbiosis of any form of life. Keep in mind that our AI only has “one thing in mind” to do to People well. Most likely, if such a machine gets a little out of control, then all of us will be immortal creatures whose desires will be unquestioningly executed before we can know that we really wanted something. It will no longer make sense to work, to seek answers to questions, be it philosophical reflections or physical observations — they will do everything for you, or rather, have already done it. There will be no more sense to live.

Do you want to become more beautiful, smarter, stronger, want to literally turn into an animal? - Ask the AI. Surely, by the first week of its existence, it had already curbed nano technology and, on the N-time basis, revised the biological structure of each organism, eliminated all the “bugs”, drew new plans, and is just waiting for your permission. He completed the machine for a long time, which “crawls back and forth for itself, squeezing sausages of solidifying mass” (quoting DenisVitman's article ), or a 3D printer, as we used to call it. At this stage, nothing prevents you from asking him for a personalized planet, with any relief, flora, fauna, or space view. You can even create the conditions that other people have to fulfill in order to visit you. In addition, he had already managed to invent a bunch of technologies that our brain simply physically could not imagine. By the way, about physics, let's allow ourselves a little fantasy. Surely you have heard of Warp Drives, which, according to theory (including “Relativity”), can move at a speed higher than the speed of light.

(Warp drive)

If this engine can be built, then it will be built. What do you think, how much less effort will be spent on using this engine as a full-fledged teleportator? By this moment, the “brain” of our AI probably exceeds the size of our entire solar system, and maybe the whole star cluster, and it is probably somewhere in the Great Void.

(Great Void)

Although why such a clever creature to use brute force methods? As in the “Last Question” by Isaac Asimov, he could figure out how to store your brain in the expanses between space and time.

Eternally young, all-knowing, not interested in anything and most importantly unable to die, neither tomorrow, nor after 1000 years, nor through any other amount of time. We can, of course, assume that someday the Universe either cools or shrinks back to its origins and you want it or not, but our suffering will end. But can we be sure that it will be impossible for our creation to wrap entropy?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239643/

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