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Instructions for obtaining a radio call sign and certificate of registration of RES

If you are interested in what type of call sign to choose, how to prepare well for the exam and work on the air, what is the procedure for passing the exam, receiving the call sign, as well as certificates of registration of the REC, welcome to Cat.

Choose the type of call sign

First you need to decide which call sign you need. If you do not plan to go on the air, but want to exchange QSL cards, you will receive the call of a radio observer who does not give you any rights except the possibility to use the QSL bureau system. To obtain the call sign, the radio observer must find an application for the education of the call sign on the website of the local branch of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia and send it in the manner accepted in your department. Sample statement .
The following discussion focuses on getting a full call sign of a radio amateur .

Choice category amateur radio

At the moment there are 4 amateur radio categories, where 1 is the highest and 4 is the lowest.

4 category

Radio amateurs category 4 allowed to work on all VHF bands with a maximum power of 5 watts. Suitable for hunters, anglers, walkers and just lovers to chat. Despite this, radio amateurs of the 4th category are subject to all the rules for working on the radio, including the obligatory transmission of a call sign. An alternative to the fourth category is license-free radio stations in the PMR (466 MHz, 0.5 W) or LPD (433 MHz, 0.01 W) radio stations, which do not require any exams and do not need to perform any requirements on the air.
3 category

Category for beginners. All VHF bands with a maximum power of 5 watts are available, and some HF bands with a power of 10 watts. Types of radiation - telegraph, telephone (SSB) and digital communications.

2 category

Radio amateurs 2 categories are available all VHF bands with a maximum power of 10 watts, as well as all the HF bands, except for the low-frequency portion of the range of 160 meters, the maximum power of 100 watts.

First category

For experienced radio amateurs. To pass the exam requires the ability to receive signals by telegraph Morse code at a speed of 60 characters per minute. Opportunities - to the maximum. On the VHF - bands when working through the Moon (EME) and meteors (MS), the power can be 500 W, and on the HF - bands - kilowatts (except for the range of 160 meters).

Exam preparation

The exam is conducted using a program developed by the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia. This program uses questions from this pdf . It contains more than 220 pages of questions, covering as much as possible the theoretical and practical foundations of work on the air. All questions are divided into categories, the answers are on the pages: 37, 76, 155, 238.


There are two ways to take the exam: in the local branch of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia and in the radio frequency center of your federal district.
To take the exam in the local branch of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia, you must join the RAF, check the local branch for information on the procedure for entering and passing the exam.
To pass the exam, you must contact the radio frequency center of your federal district , I passed the exam at the radio frequency center of the Central Federal District, so I will give an example of the procedure for passing it there.

Download the application for the “verification of compliance of the operational and technical readiness of the Customer with the minimum requirements for operators of the amateur service of the relevant category”, in RFTC CFD is number 38, fill it out, print, sign and scan. Also in the section “application to applications” download the payment document “Form No. PD-4 of Sberbank of Russia”. Then send the application, payment, copy of your passport via e-mail to info@rfc-cfa.ru, in the subject line of the letter, please indicate “RFTC CFA”, otherwise the letter will not reach. External links in RFC do not open, so the documents must be attached to the letter. Within a day, they will call you back and set a date and time for delivery, if this does not happen, call the “hot line” and check if the letter has arrived. You must arrive at the RCAC 30 minutes before the start of the exam, you need to have original documents with you. To pass the exam you need to answer 19 questions out of 25, this is given an hour.
In case of successful passing of the exam, not earlier than in a week, the test results will be ready, after confirming readiness by calling the “hot line” you should come for them.

Receiving callsign

The call center is engaged in the formation of the main radio frequency center , the call sign is formed free of charge. A signed application for the formation of a call sign and an act on test results must be sent to grfc@grfc.ru, the call will be formed within 10 days and after some time you will receive a “certificate of identification call sign” via Russian Post.

Registration of RES

Roskomnadzor is engaged in the registration of the RES, registration is free and possible through the portal of state services, with personal contact and when sending documents by mail. For registration, it is necessary to fill out an “application form for registration of an individual's RES” and a list of technical specifications for radio amateur radio operators and submit documents in a convenient way to the local Roskomnadzor office .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239641/

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