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GitHub Student Developer Pack - the best development tools for free for students

A few minutes ago I received a message from the githab with information about the new Student Developer Pack program, which I want to share with you.

The Student Developer Pack program is designed for students who cannot afford to use expensive subscriptions to paid services for development.

Inside the Student Developer Pack, the student receives:
Atom - A hackable 21st century text editor
Bitnami - Install cloud applications in one click
Crowdflower - Crowdsourcing Platform
DigitalOcean - Cloud Hosting
DNSimple - DNS service
GitHub - Git repository service
HackHands - Programming Support 24/7
Namecheap - Registrar of domain names and ssl-certificates
Orchestrate - Search, geolocation, graph-based database and API
Screenhero - Shared access to team screenshots
SendGrid - Service for working with email
Stripe - Web and Mobile Payments for Developers
Travis CI - Continuous Integration Service

Among the special goodies you can mention: $ 100 coupon for DigitalOcean, Bitnami business plan for one year, support for TravisCI private repositories, .me domain registration and Namecheap ssl certificate, one year sendgrid subscription , Unreal Engine and much, much more ...

More information about the program can be read on Education GitHub .

To participate in the GitHub Education program, you must be a student and register for Education GitHub

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239585/

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