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What is the meaning of life, man?

With this question, almost every conversation begins between two comrades, one of whom has a deep mental crisis.
We study, we work, we raise children, and then we go to another world. What for? Today, for once, I visited my VKontakte page and decided to visit an old friend. Actually, this question asked me, and served as an impetus for writing these lines.

Let's reason from the contrary. Everything is simple, as in the proof of theorems in a geometry lesson.

The meaning of life = something for which we live. So:
There is something, in the presence of which we want to live.

On the contrary, we paraphrase this quite logical thesis, like this:

There is something in the absence of which we do not want to live.

To begin with, we will not take particulars, but immediately turn to global statistics. Suicide statistics After all, a suicide is just that person who does not want to live. And it completely falls under our definition of "by contradiction." It turns out that, due to the lack of which, people settle scores with life and will be the answer to our question.

Statistics tell us that most suicides happen because of unhappy love, professional failures and difficult life circumstances (for example: lost in a casino, have a lot of money - you have to give the apartment and your family to the street).

Select the most important and get:
unhappy love == opposite ==> mutual love
professional failure == opposite ==> successful career
difficult life circumstances == opposite ==> material well-being

It turns out that we live for the sake of love, success in our careers (that is, in our affairs) and money. But is it? Is it worth staying at this or do you need to dig deeper?

Live for love? Not sure. With age, such things, it seems to me, many go to the background. In any case, in men. There are people who are not able to love at all. And they live. And feel great.

Live for career success? For money, hoarding? As practice shows, not only poor people, but also well-to-do people are ready to settle accounts with life. For example, because of the same unhappy love).

Then it turns out that the correct answer - all of the above together: love, career, money? Again wrong. Take, for example, the hermits. They live alone, eat grass, do not come into contact with people. And, nevertheless, satisfied - they themselves chose this path.

When I talked about the causes of suicide, I identified only the most common reasons. But there are others. This means that there are things to them, in contrast. How to combine all this? Or rather, what word to call? After all, this word will be the answer. Already final. And in Russian it is. This word is in all languages ​​of the world. This word is happiness.
Just like that. No world conquest, space exploration and worldwide recognition. Not for this, in fact, we live. All that we do is only ways to achieve happiness. Our successes are only the causes of this "phenomenon." “Love, career, money, karma ” - these are also the reasons why a person can be happy. These are ways to achieve, but not the ultimate goal. Happiness is an end in itself, and everything else is just a means to achieve it.

The paradox is that people are wondering about the meaning of life is not in their best times. When they are very unhappy. And they cannot find the answer just because the meaning of life is that which they do not have. That is why they can not understand everything written here.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23958/

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