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About the special course in school and whether to force children to learn?

I just want to make a reservation that it will not be about school subjects and classes, like mathematics, biology, etc., but about the so-called special courses, or rather, about the special course on web design.

What is a special course and what is it all about?

Usually, good schools offer their students additional in-depth classes on a range of subjects, often on school specialization (mathematics for schools with a mathematical bias, etc.). Moreover, depending on the desire of the administration, special courses may be either mandatory for children or free.

A small summary: at one time I was a student of a similar Kiev school, with a rather strong mathematical, and generally olympic, bias. According to tradition, special courses are taught there not by teachers, but by former students of the school, (in particular, the special course in mathematics is conducted by inter-inter national winners and prize-winners).
The school has 4 special courses in computer science - graphics, web design, programming, and computer animation. I was invited to teach a special course on web design (which is actually the teaching of basic knowledge of html, css and the basics of js).

I have been teaching for the third year in a row, and from observations of children and their behavior in the classroom, some thoughts have appeared that I want to share here.

Every special

Audience special course very different. Since it is easier than olympiad mathematics and programming, then the path is open not only to children from technical classes, but also humanitarian areas. In general, the contingent is very different. Someone has already tried something, for someone it's new. The first task of all is to interest the students, to entice them with the subject. Frankly, the task is not one of the most difficult, although many immediately begin to think of themselves as the future creators of the “killers of VKontakte”. However, after a small introduction, the learning process itself begins, in which groups of students are immediately distinguished:

My observations do not guarantee to be completely objective and fair. After all, my teaching experience is just over 2 years old.

However, should children be forced to learn if they don’t want to?

When children are forced to learn against their will, there are pros and cons.

When parents force children, they are guided by their experience, which is more than that of a child. If parents with a high bell tower can see better than a child. If knowledge really was useful, then parents will hear words of gratitude from their children. "Thank you for insisting, thank you for making." And on the contrary, if the parents succumbed to the persuasion of the child and did not “press” to the end, then they could hear such painful words for the parent’s ear as “why didn’t you insist then ?!”. From this point of view, it is even necessary to force children - the knowledge gained will be useful to them in the future.

In the other case, such violence against a child can bring only harm. Especially if the child priests his parents to start doing the opposite, not specifically preparing for the subject, skipping it. In addition, it often happens that parents are trying to have their child realize what they dreamed about, or what they could not achieve in childhood. This is a noble goal, but only if the child is predisposed to it. For example, if a child likes to play chess and is modest and small, giving it to boxing can be a lot of stress for the latter.


I believe that forcing children to do and teach what parents consider necessary. Later, they will understand whether it was useful for them or not. But you should never go too far - you need to objectively evaluate the capabilities and talents of your children.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239577/

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