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IGoogle start page smoothly turns into a social network

<img align = 'left' alignnone size-full wp-image-293 "src =" socialtrend.ru/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/igoogle-logo.jpg "alt =" "width =" 150 "height = "54" /> Google today issued a new batch of important statements that can be a catalyst for a powerful leap not only for the evolution of OpenSocial and the iGoogle homepage, but also for the development of social networks in general. Google opened a blog for developers and invited everyone to help They develop gadgets for iGoogle. In fact, Google is working to turn its homepage into a social network , but this is not directly stated.

Also, the FAQ talks about several new features of iGoogle, the changes will affect navigation, it will move to the left, but the most tempting one is that developers can place ads in their gadgets. The function of sending messages is implemented using requestSendMessage, but with a limit of 10 messages per user per day.

Starting pages, as a rule, already have an ecosystem with a large number of useful applications, as well as being the “first stop” for many users. Adding social functions to them only increases the utility for users.

The term “final network” used in the description will be used in iGoogle is very vague, so we are waiting for decryption. Users will have complete control over their friends and their profile, the ability to change their friends list on the fly, etc.

The main players MyMSN, MyAOL, Netvibes and Pageflakes, with the exception of MyYahoo !, which can be called competitors with a stretch , have various possibilities of changes and platform settings. But all of them lacked precisely the greater interactivity and the presence of social functions to move from a standard set of personal pages to the next stage of development.

In general, all in the fog, but from that even more interesting!

via Social Trend

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23953/

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