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Problems of modern "dialers"

Every time when relatives are going to buy a new phone, they come to me for advice. The problem is that they do not need androids and iPhones, they need to call and write a maximum SMS. That everything worked well and it was rarely necessary to charge. Well, to cost very cheap. These people often do not need cameras and the Internet, do not need bright colors, only at a minimum.

Recently, it often began to call just the first available devices on the Yandex.market, so that according to reviews more or less. But I did not know these phones "personally."

I turned up the opportunity, broke Google phone and was put in for repair. I decided to take a tablet Nokia 208 and fumble the Internet. But disappointment was not long in coming.

First impressions after a smart: small. Small screen, narrow. But Nokia, I thought everything would be painless. Awful brake phone, when you need to wait for 10 seconds to complete the operation before and after the call. Feeling that he is trying to calculate the Pi number there to the maximum accurate value. The Internet through it is slow, sharing through the bluetooth on the tablet did not solve the problem: a very long connection and speed of 400 bytes / sec. Not that I expected from the phone, worth 1700 rubles.

Next, I returned it to the store and took the cheapest explay a170 with bluetooth (needed for the car to stick the headset). Surprised that even explay is faster than Nokia. And it seems to be even assembled without strong gaps, unlike Nokia.

But that's not the point. The fact is that having tried both phones, it became clear: the dialers were stuck in the early to mid-2000s, but the build quality is even worse than those of dialers.
And the first problem that has not been solved since the appearance of color screens in mobile phones is design. It seems to me that the developers did not in the least think about improving and simplifying the system. The whole world is chasing minimalism and the integrity of the system, and here everything is old: some free icons, taken in the last century from some Hindus with pseudo-3d effects, frames around fonts, so that you can at least somehow see the time on brightly-drained wallpaper. Bright yellow colors with dark red and so on. And it is absolutely not clear what needs to be done to get to a simple function.

Secondly, the ongoing clowning of manufacturers. Everyone makes their own firmware somehow and shoves all their telephones into their phones. No updates or anything else.

It all made me think: why has anyone in the market not yet made an analogue of android for dialers? To make a universal configurator for devices with a flashlight and without, or with a camera. Why didn't any guys sit and think about a cheap segment? Maybe because everyone does not care about people out of the trend again. Many have to buy cheap smartphones and suffer, because for such a price nothing good is produced.

Sorry, that boiling, and the topic turned out to be weak. It was interesting to the community opinion about stopping the development of dialers, maybe there are some interesting representatives of this type or some thoughts on this?

PS: A friend said about Just5 Brick. 3000 rubles is very expensive for a budget dialer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239525/

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