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Tools for translating works into the public domain

image The placement of the work you have created in the public domain is a good contribution to the development of social forms of ownership and the development of the possibilities of social production as such. After all, after this, any person will be able to freely use your work to create a new one. Perhaps he will be inspired by your example and also place his new work in the public domain. Replenishing the treasury of the public domain, we thereby expand the possibilities of using the created works and accelerate progress by minimizing legal obstacles.

This short article will tell you exactly how to translate the work into the public domain.

On the formalities of transferring to the public domain

Generally speaking, a work in the public domain (public domain) does not require any licenses. Any license is a restriction, and the public domain implies the absence of any restrictions on the use of the work. But still there is one restriction: no one has the right to appropriate such a work to himself in exclusive ownership, that is, to restrict the rights of others to use this work.

Legal systems of modern countries are often "by default" considered the owner of the property copyright on the created work the person whose creative work the work was created. Therefore, for the correct release of his work - to transfer it into the public domain - formal tools are needed with which you can “notify” the legal systems of countries about their refusal of copyright and other related rights to work in favor of society.


image A popular tool that has been developed to discard its copyright and transfer the work into the public domain is the CC0 tool (CC Zero) developed by Creative Commons. This is a universal, worldwide tool. Only the copyright owner can use it. To use it, it is enough to indicate the connection of your work with CC0. You can also place a special tag on the product's webpage, informing users and search engines that your work is in the public domain.

Read more about CC0 on Creative Commons: About CC0 - “No Rights Reserved” .
You can also generate the HTML mark mark there: Application CC0 to your work .

The Free Software Foundation recommends using a tool for translating programs into the public domain.


image Unlicense is another popular tool for translating a work into the public domain. To use it in conjunction with your work instead of the usual COPYING or LICENSE files, you need to place a UNLICENSE file containing a special “non-licensed” text informing you about the transfer of the work to the public domain and about the waiver of rights and responsibilities.

The text of Unlicense and a list of some works that use it are available on the Unlicense official page: unlicense.org

Public Domain Mark

image Additionally, it is worth mentioning the Public Domain Mark. Public Domain Mark is a special label that is placed on other people's works that are already in the public domain. It can not be used to release their own works, but it can mark the works of other authors, which are reliably known that they are in the public domain. Thanks to this tag, such works can be easily found through special search engines, for example, Google advanced search.

Learn more about Public Domain Mark on the Creative Commons: About the Public Domain Mark - “No Known Copyright” .

Other ways of notifying the transfer of a work to the public domain

You are not limited to expressing your decision to transfer the work to the public domain. Although they may not always comply with legal regulations. For example, you can use a brief notice from Creative Commons , a special Wikipedia template, or the following message:

This product is PUBLIC AND can be used AS-IS, with all the advantages and disadvantages, in whole or in part, by anyone and for whatever purposes WITHOUT ANY LIMITATIONS.

This is a product that has been used as a standard for IS, with WITHOUT ANY CONDITIONS.

That fully applies to this article.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239523/

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