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Tinkoff Credit Systems - New Generation Bank!

The main principles of the bank:

1 There are no queues in our bank, because we solve all issues with customers through modern communication channels, without communication in the office.
2 The work with the population is organized in a new way: all communication takes place by mail, telephone and the Internet, and there are no offices, branches, branches, pay offices and advertising stands at this bank. He lives on the Internet!
3 To get a platinum card, you need to fill out an invitation form that came by mail. If you want a card, but there was no letter from the bank, you can order it on the website.
4 Interest-free period up to 55 days!
5 Map will be sent to you by mail.
6 No hidden fees.
On the site, people clearly understood
how and why it all works.


+7 800 555-10-10

Bank rus site
Bank site eng

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23951/

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