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Conference "Extreme Robotics" through the eyes of a student

Good evening.

On October 1-2, the Extreme Robotics Conference was held in St. Petersburg. I want to describe my impressions of the first participation in such an event, as well as the thoughts and ideas that I remember. I look at this event through the eyes of a third-year student in the Department of Robotic Systems.


Conference program

First, a few words about the program. On the first day a plenary session was held, at which the main trends in the development of robotics were announced. It was here that I tried for myself to endure what is generally required, what I should strive for.

The second day was devoted to breakout sessions:

  1. Theory and development;
  2. Management and informational support;
  3. Poster reports of the youth school seminar.

Visit purpose

Despite the name of the conference, it is not limited to only robotics used in extreme conditions. To some extent, it covered all topics, including philosophical ones.

Why did I participate in this conference? First of all, I wanted to understand what areas of robotics are now worth doing, what areas are already developed in Russia, and what issues they are working on now.

What interesting thoughts I heard

1) Mimic accents and non-verbal transmission of information. Gestures, facial expressions, glances - all of this plays a big role in our interaction with each other. However, robots are still far from ideal in this area. Sometimes human-like robots expressing emotions look scary and frightening. Is this credibility necessary? In my opinion, a robot with its own gestures is the best solution. Take a look at "Bender", the character of one famous animated series. His appearance is only slightly similar to the human, but his facial expressions, movements very clearly express his state.

2) The development of medical robots not only for surgical purposes, such as the Da Vinci robot, but also for other specialized tasks. In one of the presentations, a robot (or installation) was mentioned, allowing you to do a heart massage. For reference: the doctor can effectively carry out a heart massage for about 5 minutes. Therefore, if you want to massage for 30 minutes, the patient is most likely doomed (for example, you need to take a person to the hospital), but if there is such a robot, this problem disappears. Very interesting are the ideas of using robots in such situations when the person himself seems to be able to manage, however, it turns out that his use can save no life.

3) The idea of ​​robots scientists who themselves will be able to make discoveries. Here you need to look narrowly, because so far there are no such robots that will be able to invent "right and left." As far as I understand, robots are tuned to some narrow problem, they are looking for the most optimal solution for it, sorting through various options and as a result may find such a solution that would seem to people at first glance irrational.

4) It seems to be already a hackneyed theme of service robots. They suggest using robots to teach young children through the game. The development of their necessary skills. The idea is good, but my opinion is that it’s better to let a living person do it. And personally, I can not imagine what the consequences may be if the child will spend most of the time with the robot instead of people.

5) Now the control of the robots is going on tightly - the coordinates and speeds are set precisely (it’s dangerous to enter the area of ​​operation of the robot). However, there is a tendency towards elasticity, softness and reversibility of the movements of robots. For example, there is a robot and you want to shake his hand. Previously, the robot would have stretched out your hand and you just shook it. And with this method, the hand of the robot will smoothly move in sync with yours.

6) The idea was voiced that, despite a sufficient number of developments in the field of saving people, still the use of robots has not yet yielded the desired result. For example, the robot snake has not yet reached a sufficient level to search for people under the rubble.

These are the general thoughts about robotics I singled out for myself in plenary session.

On sections, specific tasks and their implementation in hardware and programs were considered. Maybe next time I will write about them.

As a small result, we can say that people follow the development of robotics in the world and, although its use is not so developed, we are still quite actively promoting and trying to find useful applications for it.

Perhaps you will find here any inaccuracies and erroneous definitions. I ask you not to judge strictly, because I stated my personal position and ideas about the things I heard.

Thanks for attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239503/

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