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VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

Many people criticize odnoklassniki.ru and vkontakte.ru, they say there are some people who are not like that and they are doing everything wrong there. Moreover, already experienced Internet users, or even people related to information technologies, criticize. And here I am, on the contrary, I am very pleased with the appearance of these services and everything that is happening around them.

Pay attention to people who used to be completely indifferent to the network. Now they have a CASE ON THE INTERNET. Many of my friends, if they got to the browser, they did not know where to go or what to do. But now it is quite another matter. Now they need to look - if someone added some new pictures, or someone has been praised or who has watched their profile. They begin to use e-mail, ICQ and watch the video! It seems to me that lately the Russian Internet audience has at least doubled.

It seems to me that this is very good. The more people on the Internet, the better. It is clear that not everyone will immediately absorb the "network" (and information) culture, but after all, experienced users have come a long way. I also have a vested interest: the Internet is my field of activity. The more money will be on the Internet, the better for me. But it will be good not only for me. Access to the network will be cheaper and more accessible, there will be more services, in general there will be more opportunities.

So maybe odnoklassniki and vkontakte is that good ?! Or do I have a naive approach?


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23949/

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