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Tesla Introduces Used Electric Resale Program

Tesla continues to work actively in the electric car market, and not only are projects for building new factories for the production of batteries and automatic control systems for cars being developed. Tesla is also working on projects that allow more people to try out electric vehicles at work.

Now it is planned to do this using the resale program for used electric vehicles. In April last year, the company announced the possibility of reimbursement of 43-50% of the cost of an electric Tesla S car when it is returned within three years from the date of purchase.
Now announced and the program for the sale of used electric vehicles Tesla S. At the same time it is planned to open several salons for the sale of such vehicles. Tesla will be salon owners, it will not be a dealer scheme. Thus, the company will be able to receive all the margins from the resale of the car, and not just a certain percentage.

Well, buyers who previously could not buy Tesla S due to the relatively high cost of the car will now be able to acquire their own electric car.

It is worth noting that next year Tesla is planning to release an inexpensive Model X ($ 35,000), it is also planned to release Model D (an official announcement will take place in a couple of days). The company's plans include the construction of a huge battery factory in Nevada.

Presumably, with such activity of the company, its electric vehicles will soon become publicly available. Of course, without an appropriate network of electric stations, the life of the owner of an electric car will not be much like a fairy tale. But nevertheless in Europe and the USA, no less than in other regions, all new electric refueling stations appear, it is possible that the CIS countries will soon acquire electric vehicles and electric gas stations. I would like to hope so.

Via techcrunch

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239475/

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