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Rambler. Traffic jams

Rambler announced its traffic service yesterday.
As stated in the release:
The main difference and advantage of the launched service from similar Internet projects is that the user receives more complete information about traffic jams not only in the capital, but also in the near Moscow region. The source of information about the condition of the roads is the company “77.ru” , which in its work uses the data of traffic police and private users.

"Rambler - Traffic jams" publish relevant data on the situation on all major highways, small streets and alleys of Moscow and the nearest Moscow region. Information on the project is updated every 10 minutes. On the map, in different colors, depending on the degree of congestion of roads, there are sections of streets where traffic jams have occurred, or critical traffic is observed. The direction of the obstructed movement is also indicated: “from the center”, “to the center”, “along the outer or inner side of the Moscow Ring Road”.

The resource will be constantly improved and supplemented. It is also planned to increase the number of private users, which will allow to expand the coverage of the territory, data about which is provided by the “Rambler - Traffic jams” project.

So far I have noticed that traffic information with Yandex at Rambler is a little different. Where more accurately check the possibility was not. Although Yandex has never really pleased me with its accuracy.
We are waiting for traffic jams from Google.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23944/

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