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My library for IT-manager

Since the subject of marketing appeared at the institute, I have read dozens of books that are useful for project managers, startups, and company executives. I gathered the best ones in a small library and I want to tell you about them. All these books deserve attention and will be useful to you. You have already heard about many, a part was mentioned on Habré, but I hope you will discover something new from those 22 books that I want to talk about.

I will talk briefly: what the book is about, who is useful, how important. Therefore, I will not put the covers on each, I think everyone will easily find the one that they are interested in.


The most important thing I want to start with is, of course, a classic .
I believe that no single project manager, business, or startup should pass by “ Marketing Management ” by Philip Kotler. This book is the cornerstone of business management science. Kotler is periodically accepted to find fault, to invent new theories that "turn marketing upside down", but how many have not read them - I found only verbiage and a retelling in other words of the basic concept that you find in this book.

By the way, there are a lot of books themselves - “Marketing by Kotler”, “Fundamentals of Marketing” and others - but these are only brief retellings. They are self-sufficient and useful, but I would still advise that weighty publication that I have at the very beginning of the stack in the photo - the book contains all the elements of the theory, a bunch of interesting cases. Now the 14th edition can be found.

Even to the classics I'll take " Ogilvy about advertising ". The author of this book is the founder of advertising agencies Ogilvy & Mather, "Ă“gilvy PR", one of the largest in the world. Here - a lot of useful thoughts about what should be the advertising message. The book contains a bunch of illustrations and case studies. I myself was surprised at how much useful I found in this book, although I read a lot before it.

The next group will talk about books on "general" marketing and company management , which can be useful not only in the IT industry.

Steep Always Stay Cool by van den Berg and Berera is a very important book. It focuses on how marketing is different for the modern generation of 10-30 years from the classic, so-called generation Y , plus many aspects of working with young people.

Stephen Covey " Leadership Based on Principles " and " Main Focus on Main Things ." Many books can be reduced to several postulates. In short, the “Leadership ...” states why it is important that the manager himself was a good employee - he knew thoroughly all aspects of the work of his subordinates, and earned them respect as a professional. And with the "Main attention ..." I met at military gatherings and recommend this book to all my friends, regardless of their work. This is almost a philosophical (seriously!) Book, to say about which, that it is simply time management - would be a degradation of its merits. In short, divide the tasks into long-term and necessary (work, family, health, sports, dog walking, etc.) and short-term ones (write a post on Habr, buy a new frame home, etc.). The priority of the first, but how to look for harmony between these groups. How - read in the book.

The famous " ReWork ", which paid much deserved attention to Habré, tells about how to approach the business without formalities, which were created by large companies with a huge staff of employees. It is especially useful for startups - sometimes we have to create a project alone or in a small group. Fell in love with the book immediately after the words "planning is replaced by guessing."

And this book was even thought to bring in the "classics" to Kotler, but it is relatively recently written. " Guerrilla Marketing " Levinson. Stunning teaching on how to approach marketing without a budget (or with little money). Here and the general provisions of the theory and cases. Again, I highly recommend starters.

The following 2 books - " Delivering Happiness " by Tony Shey and Starbucks Forever by Howard Schulz are typical representatives of case books telling stories-successes. The founding fathers of the companies talk about their path - how the idea appeared, how their offspring was created, what difficulties they overcame. Very interesting and informative to read. I note only that the story of Zappos.com seemed to me more interesting and diverse, and about the Internet business, though. About Starbucks is no longer such a strong book, somewhat lingering, but also useful.

Maitland’s PR Book Manager’s Workbook, a small and inconspicuous workbook , is actually quite a book that is useful for understanding this area of ​​activity. It tells about interaction with the media, how to hold conferences and create press releases. If you are a startup manager and you do not have money for a separate PR-manager, the book will be useful for you, it can become a basic course.

Alexey Ivanov " Free advertising " - is very close to the partisan marketing. The book has many tips on how to approach advertising without a budget. For example, it was after her that I changed the signature in emails - this is already an advertising space where you can place not only the necessary contacts, but also an advertising message. And a bunch of similar, not always obvious tips. A good book, periodically republished with new editions.

And, of course, there were purely IT books for startups.

Let's start with a collection of interviews for Maxim Spiridonov’s program “ Runetology. Who Runs the Russian Internet? ”. I myself listen to this program - quite interesting stories of experts. Well, repetition is the mother of the teachings, and when reading, some other nuances of what the guests said were revealed. Maybe when the sign still turns out ...

But somehow, the Startup book by Guy Kawasaki, which is called the “ start-up bible, ” I somehow wouldn’t praise so much ... I don’t know, I hope they don’t shower it with stones, but it didn’t seem SO SO useful to me. But it’s worth reading - it will, at a minimum, make your approach to building a young business a standard.

Next, a book written for exploring responsive design - Ethan Marcott, Responsive Web Design . It is not entirely on the subject of our review, but it is written in simple language and, as it seems to me, useful for a project manager - you will know what you can do with your site for mobile devices.

Lee and Bernoff " Explosive Web_Wave " - this book has appeared in the US for a long time and is more important for owners of "offline" business - it tells about what can give their companies the Internet. But still, it has a lot of useful tips and interesting cases, as well as shows the history of the development of marketing on the Web, so that it is not useless.

Chris Anderson " Long Tail " is a very important and landmark book for Internet business. It tells about the effect of " Long Tail ", which appeared in stores and content projects in the Internet era. Read a must! The only drawback is the length of the book. The whole concept is capable of conveying a voluminous article.

Bill Gates " Business at the speed of thought ." Of course, the attitude to the author is not unambiguous (some of my friends, to my surprise, turned up a nose from the book). And the book is already quite old, written in 1999 (!) Year. But the thoughts of the founder of Microsoft are quite interesting and his approach to business, the introduction of technology - may also be useful. We can say that, taking into account the age of the book, I recommend for expanding the horizons.

Chumikov, Bocharov, Tishkov " PR on the Internet. Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 ". This is a small book that is worth reading only when starting to study the topic indicated in the title. The most valuable thing in it is a demonstration of a change in approaches to PR on the Web in relation to its development.

Fedor Virin " Internet Marketing ". I think this book is very important for startups - it is good because it contains a complete list of various tools for promoting your website - a good opportunity not to forget about one of them. The only drawback is that I want to see a more up-to-date, updated edition, but much has changed in 4 years.

Campbell " Project Management on one page " - a simple and applied book. I already wrote about it. In short, it tells you how convenient it is to manage a project using a simple excel file with a Gantt chart .

Michael Stelzner Content Marketing is a somewhat stretched but useful book for content project creators. The author has a very interesting approach, which is expressed by the formula
Project lift = content + other people (users, experts) - marketing messages.
Those. Your project should be based on high-quality and maximum free content to which you attract users and expert participants. Read more - in this book.

And an unusual book, an old one, which did not come across my eyes by chance - " @ -gov " by Douglas Holmes. She talks about how to implement e-government in the US and Europe. I believe that for a change, it is sometimes useful to learn from the experience of related IT fields. The book is small, but interesting.

I really hope that this description of my library will be useful and will allow someone to get acquainted with excellent books, to gain new knowledge. It would be great if in the comments you share your favorite books, which should be read by startups and project managers.

From Habrayuser and50
It seems strange to me the absence of Jack Trout on this list.
Differentiate or die - about the importance of choosing a specific niche for the product, and achieving with it more success than the orientation "at all".
Marketing wars - such a “strategy of indirect actions” in marketing - a collection of non-standard marketing techniques that allowed to bypass their competitors.

From the habrayuser Stac
I would add, well, or you and everyone else would advise, a couple more books:
Web design. The book of Jacob Nielsen
On Ozone, now I looked, the version from 2006 costs 1.5K ... tin. I read the publication somewhere in 2001 (I re-read it in 2010, it was still relevant, although the original, if I am not mistaken, 97-99). A book from usability gurus on how to make websites. Without deep immersion in specific technologies, therefore, will suit a wide range of IT specialists. Not only “how”, but also why.

Alan Cooper "Mental Hospital in the Hands of Patients"
The book is about why all (almost) programs are bad and how to design good programs (sites there are also considered programs). The book also refers to the end of the 90s, although the Russian edition is also in 2009. The book is not about the code, so everyone can read with pleasure.
The technique (design of programs and sites) described in the book in recent years has become popular in our country (RF).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239425/

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