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Loud lawsuit against Samsung

No wonder they say that the most dangerous for the company is a disgruntled dismissed employee. Well, if this employee also held a high-ranking position or had access to secret information, then there can be no scandal.

Last year, a scandal broke out with the participation of the South Korean corporation Samsung . One of the former top managers of the company accused his ex-employer of creating a streamlined system for bribing government officials and turning all sorts of corrupt deals. Moreover, for these purposes, the company even created a fund, the size of which was approximately 215 million dollars!

Kim Yeung Chul, who brought the accusations, worked as head of the legal department of Samsung from 1997 to 2004, therefore, despite all the denials from the official management of the company, the police became interested in the accusations. Initially, the company's former lawyer publicly announced that the entire leadership, led by the company's president, Lee Kun Hee, was involved in mass bribes of judges and prosecutors, as well as financially “stimulating” officials. Numerous court proceedings involving Samsung took place with the financial support of the company.

These accusations so interested the public that they were not allowed to remain just empty accusations. Korean authorities began proceedings against Samsung. However, taking into account the corruption of officials and their loyalty bought by Samsung, this was not enough, and politicians, who apparently did not get the money, demanded that a truly independent and detailed investigation be carried out.
All this led to the fact that in early 2008, as part of an independent investigation, the South Korean corporation Samsung in the person of President Lee Kun-hee was formally charged. Representatives of the prosecution claim that the head of the company evaded taxes, and also abused trust in the company from the authorities. Together with Lee Kun-hee, charges were also brought against nine more Samsung top managers. And although the charges look serious enough, the most important point about bribery disappeared from them, after which more serious investigations could begin and the heads could fly in large numbers ... apparently Samsung didn’t run out of money yet.

On the one hand, the case against the corporation was given to the maximum publicity: here you and the press conference, broadcast throughout the country, and an extensive list of accusations that fit on 120 sheets of typewritten text, and a statement by the prosecutor that astronomical sums and very serious violations of the law, deserving the most severe punishment in court "...

On the other hand, charges of bribery mysteriously disappear from the case (the company is not the first to avoid responsibility “for lack of evidence”), and the prosecutor’s office, despite the ardent prosecutor’s speech, decides not to arrest the head of Samsung. Vice-President Lee Hak-Soo was also charged, but they also decided not to arrest him ... The official version is that this may lead to a drop in the company's share prices, which later will not have the best effect on the country's economy.
It may be so, but from the point of view of the law, it all looks a bit strange.

Let me remind, however, that the head in 1995 had already received two years conditionally for organizing a special fund for bribing the then South Korean president, and for the relapse he could well have been sent to places not so distant.

It is not surprising, also, that in the course of the investigation it turned out that neither the Prosecutor General nor the head of the national intelligence service were involved in the frauds. Hmm ... "we found spoons, but the sediment remained ..." (c)

The prosecutor cautiously stated that the fund created by the company ($ 215 million) was repeatedly used by Samsung to evade taxes. The company, according to conservative estimates, owes the state at least $ 114 million.

However, for the current government is not so good as it seems at first glance. The people's hype hooked on the current president of the country, Ro Moo-hyun, who finishes his tenure, and would like to be elected a second time. The elections in Korea are already on the nose (a month) and this conflict can adversely affect the image, and, as a result, the ratings of the current president. The fact that the administration does not comment on the involvement of the president and prefers to keep silent reinforces the people's distrust.

It is worth noting that corruption in the highest echelons of power with all the attached charms in South Korea is not out of the ordinary. As, for example, in Italy, this problem strongly links representatives of state bodies with the business elite and representatives of law and order. For many years, bribery has become the norm in all areas and at all levels, therefore, with honest conduct of the case, in addition to Samsung representatives, many other important persons can appear before the court.

via Lenta.ru , Cyber ​​Security , BBC News

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23942/

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