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About higher education

First of all, I beg your pardon for another topic about education. I believe that many students have a wrong idea about HE.

Many expect that they will be taught to program in IT specialties. It is not right. Modern IT technology is the same. It and the young specialists do not have time to follow the innovations, but you want that the teachers followed and managed? It is not right. The fact that students should learn practical skills on their own is right, so a higher education, it seems to me, was intended. In the university, students should give, for example, the basics of programming, no more. For example, on Lispe, so that young people work with their head. Algorithms there, for example, but not ajax and other husks. Students should learn a systematic approach to things, should be able to search for information, and not learn specific technologies. I clearly imagine that a part of that curse of HE is due to wrong expectations and misunderstanding that there is a higher education.

I always preach to everyone that university is a school of life. Like an army. In alma mater it is necessary to solve problems (for example, with teachers, their approach, their assessment of student knowledge, etc.), to establish connections, to meet with injustice, and to meet deadlines.

The Russian education system, in addition to everything, is built on the fact that the main study takes place at a lecture, and sometimes it happens in a different way: for example, so that the whole essence of education is in independent work at home. The teacher simply reads the framework and recommends the literature. There are subjects where you need something stupidly to memorize and surrender, and there are those where they will give literature, and then - flounder yourself, and we'll take a look at the exam! I myself reacted violently to this approach, because I thought that I had come to the university to study! And then it hit me. And I am grateful to such a system.
The practical component of HE is the work of the students themselves. Previously, the practice was obligatory, now - optional. Someone is looking for a job while studying, someone starts to gain experience only after graduation.

The moral of this story is that if you want to be taught something concrete - maybe it is better to go to school? The Universities did not come up with this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23940/

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