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Spherical screens for UAV operators and remotely controlled vehicles

Every year the development of controlled devices is gaining momentum. Today, the main purpose of military robotics include intelligence operations and demining. However, many countries of the world are already developing technologies for creating combat autonomous robots. For example, the United States allocated more than $ 200 billion for the Future Combat System program. Indeed, according to the Pentagon’s plan, by 2015 a third of the weapons of the US Army will be autonomous combat devices.


Of course, not only the US is interested in this, Israel, India, South Korea, China and other countries are also implementing similar programs. In this topic, one of the leading places receives remote control technology. Today they use visualization through standard monitors, they use virtual reality glasses. For example, Norway uses virtual reality glasses for maneuvers in urban environments.


Russia is also not standing still. EnterIdias presents the project “Spherical screens for UAV operators and remotely controlled vehicles”. Startups are actively developing their own visualization technology of the operator’s workplace, which manages remote objects. They conducted a series of experiments based on the use of virtual reality glasses and took into account the analysis of the physics of the operator's eyes. This work helped to find and develop the right innovative solution - a system of full-dome image. (pic. 1)


Fig.1 Spherical solution VS Oculus Rift

Comparative diagram of the working areas of visualization of different technologies:

Black highlights the visualization area of ​​a standard monitor.
Green - the area of ​​visualization of virtual reality glasses
Blue is an area rendered with full-dome technology.

Users of virtual reality glasses complain about the fact that it is possible to work no more than three hours, because even the smallest viewing angles make a person turn his head, which, of course, leads to reduced attention and fatigue. The peripheral vision effect does not work either. VS Oculus Rift's spherical solution helps to avoid problems such as low operator time, low viewing angle, visual unnaturalness for humans, which means this is the solution of the next generation.

More recently, the project “Spherical screens for UAV operators and remotely controlled vehicles” has reached the final of the Industrial track of Russia's largest start-up competition, GenerationS.

The project developers promise as a result a modern product that meets all the tasks that the operator may have during the course of the work. The technology will help increase the level of efficiency of remote control of military and other equipment.


The project “Spherical screens for UAV operators and remotely controlled vehicles” will be presented on October 15 at the Open Innovations competition in Moscow.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239365/

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