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Reviewing resumes of female techies is more profitable than men

According to statistics, men apply for a job already when their qualifications amount to only 60% of the requested requirements. Those. men are ready to take a certain risk and “assimilate the necessary material” in a short time, stuffing cones again and again. But women, if they apply for a job, they almost always have the 100% qualification required for a given position. Such a conclusion was made by the Hewlett Packard Research Center when studying its internal structures and applications from candidates of both sexes for specialized technical specialties.

Also, a simple study was conducted among men and women, where they were asked only one simple question: “If you see that you do not fully comply with the requirements of a vacancy, why would you refuse to apply”? ” “I’m afraid I won’t do a good job,” is not so popular.

Survey Analysis
About 46.4% of men and 40.9% of women answered that they do not want to spend their time for interviews, consultations and meetings, as they are sure that this vacancy will be given to a more qualified specialist.

In other words, people in most cases are not worried about the work and responsibilities, but the process of interviews and meetings, where the candidate is not always treated well if he has some problems in his knowledge. Those. people are afraid to look illiterate and get a whole range of negatives and ridicule in their favor.

About 20% of men and 13.1% of women answered that they respect the time of the personnel department specialist, and do not want to waste his working time, since the requirements in the job description are clearly marked.

You are well aware that the actual requirements for the vacancy and the level of the candidate who fits this position almost always do not match. And HR specialists play a certain game with their candidates, bargaining for the conditions and the expected salary level. So, women do not understand such games and will sooner refuse from a job, rather than follow the rules of the game. Want to hire a woman - write adequate to this job requirements.

About 12.7% of men and 21.6% of women answered that they are afraid of being fired as soon as the company finds a more suitable candidate for this position.

Women are less prone to frequent job changes, which leads to the need to guarantee their employment. And most often for such a guarantee you need a full awareness of your professional suitability. This is a man who can come to try, and in case of failure, “already with experience” go to another place. Women, on the other hand, prefer not to exchange places, but to approach the matter with full responsibility at once.

About 12.4% of men and 9.7% of women answered that they were afraid not to cope with their work.

And finally, 8.5% of men and 15% of women close ads after they see qualification requirements, which they do not have. They do not even think about the possibility of applying.

Three psychological principles play a role in the behavior of women when applying for a job:

The woman feels in some competition in relation to men. If many have already accepted the role of manager or designer, then not everyone is ready to see the girl as a developer. This leads to some need for the girl to prove to everyone that she is suitable for this position, as she is above all.

Women psychologically more follow the rules. High orientation to the little things and following the rules helps women to identify the essence of the proposed work and clearly evaluate all the points of the resume and vacancies.

Women are not looking for a promising place, but for the right moment. We all know perfectly well that in order to get a position in a normal company, you almost always need to go through several circles of hell, working in various offices and studios, which even the word “decent” cannot be called. So, women prefer initially to get an adequate place, and not to work for the future.

Personal experience:

Our company currently employs two technical girls, one in technical support, the other in the application development department. It is safe to say that they are true professionals who do an excellent job. But both had a previous background, which simply did not leave a chance to refuse them in these vacancies. They were 100% ready.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239357/

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