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VR helmet programming

A developer named Brian Peiris created a conceptual application for writing code inside virtual reality in an Oculus Rift helmet. The zest is that as the JavaScript code changes in Three.js, the world around you changes. Programmed a cube - and he appeared above his head (video under the cut).

To create and display animated graphics, the Three.js library is used.
Of course, this is an exclusively conceptual project. To use this programming method, you need to: 1) have an Oculus Rift (DK2) helmet; 2) program in JavaScript; 3) know Three.js; 4) be able to type blindly. But if all the factors are fulfilled, then get an unforgettable experience, the author of the program guarantees.

To work, you should download the Firefox build with WebVR API support (under Windows or OS X) and visit this page .

RiftSketch Code

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239347/

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