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A. Kibkalo - Windows Server "10": what's new in virtualization and clustering (registration for the webinar)

Alexei Kibkalo will talk about new features of Hyper-V and Failover Clustering in the Windows Server Technical Preview, which has become publicly available last week, as part of this webinar.
A brief overview and demonstration of the new functionality will help you to be aware of what is coming in the spring of 2015 with the launch of a commercial product. You can plan projects now, as new technologies partly overtake the worst competitor, and help build highly available solutions in the clouds with minimal cost.
Do not miss this event - before the European TechEd such a review is not expected even in English.
On the full courses on virtualization and clustering at the end of October, Alexey will reveal in more detail the possibilities of the new server OS and will offer laboratory work demonstrating key innovations. Hurry up to register for a free webinar, to have an idea about the functionality, and to complete courses for the luggage of knowledge and practice first hand.

October 9, 2014 at 14:00 free webinar on the topic: Windows Server "10": what's new in virtualization and clustering

Content of the webinar:
# Transparent cluster update by creating a mixed cluster
# Block synchronous replication repositories for geodistributed clusters
# Create any highly available configurations without shared storage
# New format of virtual machine configuration files
# Ability to update the version of the configuration files and compatibility issues
# Using pictures in the grocery environment
# Changes in Hyper-V console
# Updating the components of the integration of virtual machines with Windows Update
# "Hot" adding network adapters and changing the amount of RAM
# Secure boot support for Linux guest operating systems

Webinar Windows Server "10": what's new in virtualization and clustering will be held on Thursday, October 9 at 14:00 (Moscow time).
By tradition: You can register for the webinar by writing me a letter to n.orlova@stars-s.ru with the subject “WS10HC”
Please note that the number of places is limited, prior registration for events is required.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239333/

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