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The microwave oven hides a powerful and dangerous microwave weapon

Good afternoon, dear habrovchane.

This post will be about the undocumented features of the microwave oven. I will show how many useful things can be done if using a slightly modified microwave in an irregular way.

In the microwave is a microwave generator of enormous power

The power of the waves, which are used in the microwave, has long been agitating my mind. Its magnetron (microwave generator) produces electromagnetic waves with a power of about 800 W and a frequency of 2450 MHz. Just imagine, one microwave generates as much radiation as 10,000 wi-fi routers, 5,000 mobile phones or 30 base towers of mobile communication! In order that this power would not be torn out in the microwave, a double protective screen made of steel is used.

I open the case

I want to immediately warn you that electromagnetic radiation from the microwave range can be harmful to your health, and high voltage can be lethal. But it will not stop me.
Removing the cover from the microwave, you can see a large transformer: ILO . It increases the mains voltage from 220 volts to 2000 volts to power the magnetron .
In this video, I want to show what voltage is capable of:

Antenna for magnetron

Removing the magnetron from the microwave, I realized that I couldn’t turn it on just like that. The radiation will spread from him in all directions, striking everything around. Without hesitation, I decided to make a directional antenna from a coffee can. Here is the diagram:


Now all the radiation is directed in the right direction. Just in case, I decided to check the effectiveness of this antenna. I took many small neon bulbs and laid them out on the plane. When I brought up the antenna with the magnetron turned on, I saw that the light bulbs light up exactly where needed:


Unusual experiences

Immediately I want to note that microwave has a much stronger effect on technology than on people and animals. Even 10 meters from the magnetron, the equipment gave a strong glitch: the TV and the music center made a terrible growling sound, the mobile phone initially lost the network, and then it completely hung. The magnetron had a particularly strong influence on wi-fi. When I brought the magnetron close to the music center, sparks fell from it and, to my surprise, it exploded! On closer inspection, he discovered that a network capacitor had exploded in it. In this video, I show the process of assembling the antenna and the influence of the magnetron on the technique:

Using non-ionizing radiation of the magnetron, you can get a plasma. In the incandescent lamp, brought up to the magnetron, a brightly glowing yellow ball lights up, sometimes with a violet tinge, like ball lightning. If you do not turn off the magnetron in time, the light bulb will explode. Even the usual clip, under the influence of the microwave turns into the antenna. An emf of sufficient strength is induced on it to ignite the arc and melt this clip. Fluorescent lights and housekeepers are lit at a sufficiently large distance and glow right in your hands without wires! And in a neon lamp, electromagnetic waves become visible:

I want to reassure you, my readers, none of my neighbors suffered from my experiences. All the nearest neighbors fled the city as soon as the fighting began in Lugansk.

Safety engineering

I strongly do not recommend repeating the experiments I have described because special precautions are required when working with microwave. All experiments were performed exclusively for scientific and informational purposes. The harm of microwave radiation for humans is not yet fully understood. When I came close to the working magnetron, I felt warm, as if from an oven. Only from the inside and as if pointwise, in waves. I did not feel any more harm. But still, I strongly do not recommend sending a working magnetron to people. Due to thermal effects, the protein in the eyes may curl and form a blood clot in the blood. There are also debates that such radiation can cause cancer and chronic diseases.

Unusual Magnetron Applications

1 - Pest killer. Microwave waves effectively kill pests, and in wooden buildings, and on the lawn for sunburn. In bugs under hard shell is moisture-containing gut (what an abomination!). Waves in an instant turn into steam, at the same time without doing harm to a tree. I tried to kill pests on a living tree (aphid, moth), also effective, but it is important not to overdo it because the tree is also heated, but not so much.
2 - Metal smelting. The power of the magnetron is enough for melting non-ferrous metals. Only need to use good thermal insulation.
3 - Drying. Grains, grain, etc. can be dried. The advantage of this method in sterilization is that pests and bacteria are killed.
4 - Stripping from wiretapping. If you treat a room with a magnetron, you can kill all the unwanted electronics in it: hidden cameras, electronic bugs, radio microphones, GPS tracking, hidden chips and the like.
5 - Glushilka. With the help of a magnetron you can easily reassure even the noisiest neighbor! Microwave breaks up to two walls and "soothes" any sound technique.

This is not all possible applications tested by me. The experiments continue and soon I will write an even more unusual post. Still, I want to note that it is dangerous to use a microwave! Therefore, it is better to do so in cases of extreme necessity and subject to the safety rules when working with microwave.

At this I have everything, be careful when working with high voltage and microwave.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239321/

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