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Request to extend the free version of SaaS is a bad sign

Is it worth going to meet the client and extend for him the period of free testing service? Will it make a sale or is it a waste of time for someone who will never buy? His opinion is shared by Lincoln Murphy, a SaaS development specialist, who helped more than 300 cloud-based start-ups to enter the market. The story comes from the first person.

I received this question about the requests to extend the free version of SaaS and decided to answer it here, in plain sight.

“Lincoln, I stumbled upon a recent post where it says that“ short trials + generous extension of their deadlines ”are the starting point of sales. At the same time, you did not talk about it (if I did not miss it). It struck me, because you most likely should have an opinion on this. I'm confused ... who is right? "
Obviously, I'm right. [end of article. Joke! I will try to answer further, using all my accumulated experience]

No, in fact, I believe that we are both right, but I look at it from a slightly different point of view. Although it is possible to offer an ideal free testing period from the point of view of most customers, which we wrote earlier in the article “Increasing website sales: how long should a free trial period be for a customer to pay?”

I agree that if someone asks for the extension of the free version, then it is worth it.

However, such a request is an indicator or symptom of a deeper problem that we should try to solve.

Do not worry, I will describe in detail why I think so, and how to treat such symptoms and solve problems.

Generous extension of the free version of SaaS

It is true, I have never spoken openly about such an extension.

I'm not a fan of a free trial renewal, at least automated.

I especially do not like the promotion of renewal ... it is not freemium. Do not confuse these two concepts. Seriously, this is bad for your business.

Before extending the trial version of the application, I try to figure out why the client needed it.

Renewal is better than customer loss

Obviously, it is better to offer the customer a renewal or to satisfy his request in this than not to receive money from him and lose forever. Problems arise when you extend the trial period, but did not change anything else. No commitment. Well, you extended the period by 7 days, and then what?

Now let me explain. If you require confirmation of a credit card during registration, and I do it in extreme cases, the client should refuse to use the free version if they do not want to use your service (unlike the opting-in model, where he does not refuse, but simply stops using it ). In case of an active failure, you may ask: can the client simply take more time to evaluate the SaaS?

Even if you have an automated registration and customer service system, when you receive a request to extend the free version, you must go to live communication and do two things:

Reasons for extending the free version of SaaS

In my experience, the main reason for renewal requests is that the client was busy or distracted from working with the trial version and now wants to really work with the application.

Other reasons:

None of these reasons is serious enough, and I will return to this shortly.

How to process a request to extend the free version

So, you decided to satisfy the request of your customers. But do not do it just like that, but try to do the following:

1. Find out why they need a renewal.
2. Decide what is a “successful” test for your service.
3. Help them create a plan of action for maximum success:

  1. make a plan for a specific client, if that makes sense in this situation;
  2. find out who else is involved in the work process and make sure that their activities will also be included in the evaluation of your services.

4. There are clear steps:

5. After achieving success, ask about the purchase.

Now I will move on to why I believe that a renewal request is a symptom of a problem, and not just a client's whim. This must be considered in advance when creating a product and determining the terms of use of the free version.

5 reasons why renewal requests are symptoms rather than a function

1. The free version is not adapted to turn users into paying customers.

The trial period alone does not force potential customers to pay you money. In order to fix this, you need the following:

2. The potential client does not reach success.

Contrary to the opinion of people whose free version of the product is not able to turn visitors into customers, people do not subscribe to the demo to mess around with it for a long time. They expect, especially B2B customers, to immediately see the potential of the application and the justification of its cost.

If they do not get to this point, then there are only two ways to develop the situation: they will ask to extend the free version, or you will lose them as clients. The first is likely to be a minority - those who have seen the potential, but have not yet achieved success. Here are some ways to avoid losing customers:

3. Attracting wrong users

These are customers who buy, but not from you, but from your competitors providing similar services, but with different parameters and conditions. However, this does not mean that such clients do not need to be fought.

If different products bring about the same results, then the SaaS of the supplier who organized the work is easier to win. Here are some things you can do for this:

4. Attracting wrong potential customers

If you have completed the previous three points, but there are still people who send requests for renewal, then try to think about it:

5. The trial version is actually too short.

Remember that the duration of the free period is just a marketing trick, which is set artificially and serves to avoid the drawbacks of the “freemium” model.

But do not take this marketing course too lightly, as this can have serious consequences. For example, people simply will not use your service, considering that the free period is too short to appreciate all its advantages. Think about the following things:

Some users may ask you to renew.

This is very important, as you can learn a lot:

If you take all these measures, the symptoms of the problem should disappear, and when you request an extension, you can contact the client directly and extract new knowledge from the communication.

So yes, if someone is asking for a renewal, then it should be provided, but you need to understand that there is some more serious problem behind this.

I hope this clarifies the situation a bit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239313/

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