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Exploit source code for “unrecoverable” vulnerability in USB devices published on GitHub

I think a couple of months ago, many people heard from the news about a vulnerability in USB controllers that can turn any peripheral device connected via usb into a cyber espionage tool. In the English-language computer press, this problem is called “BadUSB”. Karsten Nohl, a security expert and researcher from SR Labs in Berlin at BlackHat USA, was the first to report about it. Because of the seriousness of the problem and the fear that the vulnerability is difficult to eliminate, Nol did not publish the exploit, trying to give the vendors time to fix it.

2 months have passed since then, and everyone has completely forgotten about the “bad yuesbi”, until a week ago, two other researchers, Adby Cadilla and Brandon Wilson, did not speak at another hacker confi- dent - Derbycon .

I will not completely retell their performance, just watch the video, the guys explain is quite accessible.
The basic idea is that you need to abandon the idea of ​​any usb-drive as a simple storage medium and start to consider it as a full-fledged computer that can be programmed to execute any commands.

Everything becomes even more serious if we take into account that the malicious code recorded in the modified usb-drive firmware is completely hidden, cannot be detected by antivirus programs and cannot be deleted when the device is formatted. I remember Stuxnet - the story of the infection of computers at the Iranian nuclear center - also using infected usb devices.

Unlike the discoverer of “BadUSB”, Adam and Brandon also posted their proof-of-concept code on GitHub, citing the lack of confidence that vendors did not close their eyes to the problem and believing that only the publication of a public exploit would force manufacturing companies USB controllers start working on the patch. So, although the exploit is not universal and is written for a specific USB controller by one of the Taiwanese manufacturers ( Phison 2251-03 ), the appearance of other modifications is now only a matter of time.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239305/

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