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Google summed up the "search year"

Following Yahoo and Microsoft , Google published its list of the most popular search queries in 2006.

Visitors of google.com demonstrated, apparently, fully justified the title of the “people of the year” of Time magazine : the first two positions are taken by social websites - Bebo (bebo) and MySpace (myspace). In third place is the world cup request (in 2006, the FIFA World Cup was held). Top10 also includes metacafe and wikipedia.

In the search for news the most popular were celebrities - Paris Hilton (paris hilton) and Orlando Bloom (orlando bloom). Google News users were also worried about cancer (cancer) and podcasting.
Google, which is actively working to simplify “communication” with its search engine, has compiled separate Top10 requests for “what is ...” or “how ...” requests. Users often asked who Borat was and what Hezbollah was.

A complete list of popular Google searches can be found here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2393/

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