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Google wants to make the Internet of things manageable without apps.

A couple of days ago, Google announced the project The Physical Web (“Material Web”), the purpose of which is to invent a new standard that will allow you to interact with the Internet of things without installing applications.

It's like a magic wand for the internet of things.

The development of the Internet is increasingly taking the form of a spiral: thanks to broadband Internet, the concept of “everything online” has practically won, replacing desktop applications with online services accessible via a browser, but the new era of mobile Internet has not only brought us back to the era of email clients, but also brought fashion to individual programs for reading specific sites. And the story comes to a new stage: this time the wind of change blew out from the Internet of things.

One of the differences between the Internet of things and the usual Internet is that each “thing” (not the most adorable translation of the word thing in this case, but what to do) requires a separate application to manage it. As the number of smart objects around us grows, the number of applications required to manage each of them will soon exceed the limits of the reasonable or available memory of user gadgets. This is not very practical, especially when it is not about regular needs, but a sudden need.
For example, a vending machine met on the way with drinks in hot weather. If you imagine that he, too, has become part of the Internet of things, then most likely, an attempt to buy goods without having to go into your wallet for money or a card will require installing an application that will write money from the linked account. But how much more comfortable would it be if you could buy a bottle of water without going through the app store directly using your smartphone / watch / glasses / microchip in your head?

Arguing in this way, Google decided to develop a new open standard that will connect user gadgets and surrounding objects of the “Internet of things” into a network that truly resembles the Internet - where no applications other than a browser are needed to get the necessary information. Not surprisingly, the standard is being developed by the Chrome browser team, led by Google interface designer Scott Jenson. We can say that the goal of the project is to develop a standard that will allow creating browsers for the Internet of Things in order to transfer the usual experience of Internet surfing to the real world: on-demand interaction — passing by a bus stop, vending machine, car rental, etc. - interact with them without applications.

The development is completely open: the project is available on Gitkhab . Developers rightly assume that an open standard is more likely to become generally accepted.

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appeared in the company blog

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239283/

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