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Java one in San Francisco

I think that many people of Habr know what Java One is. A lot of here and those who were on the local Java One - in Moscow. I also have long wanted to visit the main and original Java One - in San Francisco - and this was finally possible. I invite everyone interested to hear my impressions of the event and some of its sessions.

Duke, Java Mascot and Java One
Duke, Java Mascot and Java One

Java one is being held in San Francisco in early October since 1996, under the leadership of Sun Microsystems first, and after the sale of the latter, by Oracle Corporation. This Java One was, in a sense, a jubilee one, since May will be 20 years since the creation of the Java language. Since the purchase of Sun by a large corporation of a large database, the Oracle Open World conference has been held in parallel, so some of the notes will apply to it too.

Some personal notes not directly related to the conference.

I, by the will of fate, now work in the bay area and live there, so unlike most conference participants, I did not live in a hotel, but traveled to San Francisco on the 101st highway leaving at 7 am to catch the first session and came back at 9-10 pm after the last session - the schedule was very stressful, even though it was 5 days. Even from domestic difficulties - lunch and dinner at the conference were spread very much, as a result of which there were few listeners at the last sessions - everyone ran to lunch.

Discovery and General Information

Java one 2014 was held for 5 days from Sunday (September 28) to Thursday (October 2) plus on Saturday was trained at Java University (for an additional fee for an entry level) and on Wednesday was common for two Oracle Appreciation Event conferences ( at night).

In general, the conference immediately strikes with its scale - the whole center of the city is plastered with posters, advertising:

The conference itself takes place in the Moscone Center, which lies between the skyscrapers (there were mainly oracle exhibitions and lectures - except for resurrection) and in two hotels: Hilton and Park 55.

Moscone west

Moscone south

Moscone North and skyscrapers

Moscone North, skyscrapers and dining tables.

By the way, on this screen, all the main lectures were broadcast - it was possible to have breakfast and listen to them.

Park 55


There were many lectures, 560 on Java one and another 2000 on Oracle Open World and, to my surprise, there were a lot of lectures on the topic of internet of things - around 100, when, for example, only 50 lectures were spoken about other languages ​​on JVM . However, IoT is now so trendy that they even spoke at the introductory remarks:

The second slide is a demonstration in record time of the built system of auto stimulator assembled from a conventional TV, MS Kinect, several sensors and microchips from very different manufacturers.

The reports were, on average, much less technologically advanced than in Moscow, but there were also simply pearls, which I will now discuss.


This is a very lively and interesting story from the category of project management and extreme programming about the team that turned out. They have expanded the practice of pair programming and sit at one monitor with five developers, one project manager and one agile trainer. But at the same time they refused to evaluate the tasks, meetings and practically solved the task of giving birth to a baby in a few months.
More information can be found on their website: mobprogramming.org

Faster object arrays

It was a deep technical lecture on creating an extremely fast data structure that does not have an overlay like ArrayList (following a link + objects can be in different places of memory). Strive for the speed of struct [] in C and the convenience of processing collections in Java (their structure extends Iterable and enables inheritance for further expansion). Hoping to appear in OpenJDK 9

Using Type Annotations to Improve Code Quality

Behind this name, which promises nothing, actually hides exactly the silver bullet that does not exist. Specifically, they gracefully solved the problems of validating objects during static analysis. For example, one billion dollar mistake was solved with null references. And they decided it in such a way that the solution will work even on the old code. Example:

public class NullnessExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Object myObject = new Object(); System.out.println(myObject.toString()); } } 
compiles, runs

 public class NullnessExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Object myObject = null; System.out.println(myObject.toString()); } } 
gives an error message
dereference of possibly-null reference myObject
System.out.println (myObject.toString ());

... runs as a javac mod or IDE plugin. And this is not the limit, they want to overcome in this way all RuntimeException.

Internet of boats

This is quite an interesting story from Brazilians about how they connected their yacht to the Internet, how they chose technologies and hardware, how they reduced power consumption. The story was enriched by measuring the indicators on the air after putting things under the sensor. Unfortunately, the slides with the details turned out to be illuminated, and the blog in Spanish.


Java ME not dead

In contrast to the previous paragraphs, this is not the name of a separate session, but what the group of sessions prepared at the St. Petersburg office of Sun Oracle was for me at once. If you go even a little deeper than the surface - you’ll have an article and not one. If briefly, Java ME not only did not die with the arrival of phones under the android, but now it runs on microprocessors, supports all language features, has a garbage collector and multithreading, and allows debugging and easy management. In general, happiness for all the gift and let no one go offended. I think the authors of the reports themselves can tell in more detail.


Java one

Exhibitions worked 3 days, from Monday to Wednesday. The Hilton Hotel had a Java One exhibit:

Distribution of brains from Intellij Idea

Githab bunker

Helicopter raffle is one of many in the company selling its own vision of the cloud - it is also not the only one there :)

Workshop on robots

Unexpectedly lit chain stores Target

Libraries for programming pdf files are already preparing for Halloween

Testing mobile versions in the cloud

IBM stand

One of the past recipients of the Duke choice award

The same IoT booth that was shown on the opening speech

Duke cafe near the Hilton

Old games at Park 55

Oracle open world

If at the Java one exhibition there were 25% of cloud solutions, 10% of firms advertising themselves as developers / integrators, and all other offers were quite unique (maximum 2 companies with products of the same subject), then the Oracle open world exhibition at 80% can be described as “ we will calculate licenses and optimize your Large Corporate Database. ”

Exhibition on Sunday


If Java One was waited by technicians and handed out T-shirts, then by OOW they were expected by their superiors and poured a drink. Well, the toys showed more.

Other events

Quite accidentally met around MS Park superheroes advertising its clouds. Here is a coincidence, right?

Oracle Appreciation Event - Aerosmith concert. The latter, however, decided that they were hired for a corporate party and congratulated the director.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239273/

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