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sketchometry - dynamic geometry in the browser

sketchometry is an interactive dynamic geometry, web application developed based on the JSXGraph library. This article is a tutorial on its use.

To see what it is, go to the site sketchometry . We press the big round bloambu in the upper right corner with the inscription "start sketchometry" - and in front of us is a drawing board with a toolbar at the top. On different devices it looks different, exactly how you can get an idea by changing the width of the window.


On my laptop, the upper part with the toolbar looks like this:

On the left, we see the undo and redo buttons.

To the right are buttons that enable or disable the move and build modes. If the button is highlighted, then the mode is enabled, if not - disabled. By default, both modes are enabled.
Well, since the build mode is on, let's build something.


Most of the constructions are performed with gestures with a mouse or finger. The description of gestures is here (short in English and German) and here (in German).
PointGesture pointPoint
StraightStraight gestureStraight
CircleGesture circumferenceCircle
TriangleTriangle gestureTriangle
Four squareGesture quadrilateralQuadrilateral
Circle center and pointGesture circle at center and pointCircle center and point
RayGesture RayRay
Straight through pointGesture Straight Through PointStraight through point
Circle through pointGesture Circle through PointCircle through point
Straight through two pointsGesture straight through two pointsStraight through two points
Ray at two pointsGesture Ray on two pointsRay at two points
SectionGesture cutterSection
Circle center and pointGesture Circumference at the center and pointCircle center and point
Mid pointGesture MidpointMid point
Reflected pointGesture Reflected PointReflected point
"Free" perpendicularGesture Free PerpendicularFree perpendicular
Perpendicular through the point on the lineimageimage
Perpendicular segment through the free pointGesture Perpendicular segment through the free pointPerpendicular segment through the free point
Perpendicular straight through free pointPerpendicular gesture straight through the freePerpendicular straight through free
Parallel straightGesture Parallel StraightParallel straight
Parallel line through a given pointGesture Parallel straight through given pointParallel line through a given point
Point reflectionGesture Reflection PointPoint reflection
BisectorGesture bisectorBisector
AngleGesture angleAngle
Three Point CircumferenceGesture Circumference on three pointsThree Point Circumference
Sector on three pointsGesture Sector on three pointsSector on three points
Three point angleGesture angle on three pointsThree point angle
PolygonPolygon gesturePolygon
TangentGesture tangentTangent

In addition to the gestures presented in the table, there are two more ways to build a circle based on the objects already available - a circle and a segment. In both cases, you must press the left key and hold for a few seconds. In the first case, the existing circle is copied. In the second, a circle is built, the radius of which is equal to the original segment. In both cases, without releasing the keys, the circle can be moved to the right place and there to quit.

We move further to the right on the main toolbar. The next button, “More ...”, opens the additional construction toolbar.

Additional build toolbar

Using the tools of this panel, you can build:

  1. Graph function.
    Tab characters Here we see the function input field and below are several tabs. The first is a tab for entering some characters. The remaining characters are entered from the keyboard. Yes, and these can also be entered from the keyboard.
    The second tab is the selection of a predefined function from the list. Tab select function from the list
    The third tab is the selection of a function from the list of those already built. Tab select function from the list of already built The fourth tab is a selection of a slider from the list. Its current value will be used. Tab of the slider selection from the list The fifth tab is the setting of the function definition area. Definition tab The sixth is a handwriting tab. Handwriting tab
  2. The angle of three points.
    Choose three points (the vertex should be the second one), we get the angle.
    Three point angleReady corner
  3. Sector on three points.
    Select three points (the center should be the second in this case), we get a sector.
    Sector on three pointsGlt sector
  4. Correct polygon.
    By selecting this tool, we set the number of sides and then select two points that define one of the sides.
    Polygon constructionReady polygon
  5. Ruler.
    This is essentially a segment with divisions, next to which its length is shown.
    To measure, for example, the distance between points, select the “Ruler” tool, click on one of the points, and then drag the other end of the ruler to the second point.
    Line drawingReady line
  6. Slider
  7. Text.
    It looks almost the same as the function graphing tool. The only difference is that the “value” button appeared on the right, which inserts the value of a slider or function with a given argument. Tool text

Toolbar - continued

Continue familiarity with the main toolbar.
The next tool is Scale / Navigation.
Masst / Nav
Scaling commands:
  1. Reduce.
  2. Return the original.
  3. Zoom.
Navigation commands (movement on the drawing):
  1. To the left.
  2. Up.
  3. In the middle.
  4. Way down.
  5. To the right.

The next one is a tool for deleting objects, a basket. Deleting is done with a simple click, without asking for confirmation. But the cancellation of action is possible even after reloading the page.
Next - instrment "Eye" (hide / show objects).
The next tool is a measurement tool.
You can measure almost everything (except the function graph). However, in the case of measuring the straight line and the ray, we obtain NaN.
Measurement tool
When measuring a point, we get its coordinates. And in the rest of cases, everything is quite expected - length, area, angles.
If you select several objects (for points it is impossible), we get the sum of measured values.
And finally, the last actual tool - properties.

Object properties settings windows

Board propertiesPoint propertiesPoint properties, bottom
Board propertiesPoint propertiesPoint properties, bottom
Here, in general, everything is clear. Each window is, in essence, a menu for selecting a property value. Selecting some items opens additional fields.
For example:
Input point coordinatesPoint sizeDot shapeFill point color (upper right corner - no fill)
Input point coordinatesPoint sizeDot shapeFill point color
Similar additional fields appear in other windows.
Let's get acquainted with other dialogues.

Straight linesThis is the settings dialog for straight lines, rays and segments. Here the only new thing is the ability to specify the type of ends.
Straight lines
The first two buttons specify whether the beam or a segment extends beyond the boundaries. That is, the segment may look like a straight line.
The right two buttons set the ends of the lines in the form of arrows. Moreover, in the case of a ray and a straight line, the ends are counted on the border of the visible area of ​​the drawing. If a continuation beyond the boundary of a segment or ray is given, too.

The rest of the window as a whole, perhaps, does not make sense. Their differences are only in small details.
The circle properties window has an additional radius input field.Radius input field
The function properties window has an additional function input field. If you click there, the graph window will open, which we have already reviewed.Function input field
In the slider properties window there are input fields for the interval of values ​​and the step of changing the value.Slider Properties Window
In the properties window of the polygon, you can set the ability to move it and whether it will leave a trace.
By the way, many objects can leave a mark.
Polygon Properties Window


The last (rightmost) button in the main toolbar is the exit to the gallery. The gallery looks like this: Gallery We see that each drawing in the gallery has its own window, which is flipped through with a mouse click or a gesture.
Each window has a toolbar and, in addition, there is a gallery toolbar.
Let's start with the gallery panel.
Pressing "New" we just get on a clean board.
By clicking "Import" you can import a drawing from the clouds:
In the first three cases, the authentication forms open in a separate window. In the fourth - on the spot. That's what they look like (for example - Dropbox and WebDAV).
The next button is settings.
Settings 1
Settings 2
The Help button is simply a link to http://www.sketchometry.org/help/
We now turn to the drawing window.
On the left we see the name of the drawing. It is editable in place.
On the right, the first button is export to the cloud. It opens almost the same window as the "Import from the Cloud" button. The difference in the last line:
Export to the cloud
This line allows you to save a drawing on your computer, while specifying the file format (the file format can be set when saving to other clouds). What are these formats:
  1. The sketch is the format in which the geonext program saved the drawings, developed by the same Bayrotsk University as sketchometry and the JSXGraph library on which sketchometry is based.
  2. Jessie Code is a file containing a drawing as text in JessieCode language. And JessieCode is a highly specialized language - a superstructure over JSXGraph. JessieCode syntax can be found here , and practice - here .
  3. HTML - page containing script on JessieCode.

And the last thing to say is about the right two buttons. This is cloning and deleting a drawing.
That's all.
Well, it was, so to speak, a fairy tale. And now…


These are three spoonfuls of tar.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239259/

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