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For the iPhone, re-invent the manuscript

During the first iPhone presentation to the general public, the head of Apple simply zombied us with the sacred mantra: “We want to reinvent the phone,” which roughly means: “We want to reinvent the bicycle phone.” And in many ways, Apple, which was recently named the most innovative company of the year on the Blue Planet, really managed to create a unique product. And watching what is happening around the iPhone you realize that the process of “re-invention” is still not over.

Forum participants ModMyiFone.com discovered the existence of a small HWPen utility that allows you to recognize handwritten text entered by the user directly on the iPhone screen - even with your finger, even with a stylus. HWPen is in beta testing and is able to recognize the letters of the Latin alphabet, as well as the Chinese characters for which HWPen was originally designed, using the movement of the fingers.

In absolute terms, support for Latin and Chinese handwriting indicates support for both most users and most languages ​​on the planet. This is undoubtedly a serious argument in favor of the iPhone for users who need handwriting, such as in Palm communicators, like air.

Let's hope that in the final version of HWPen, entering text with your finger on the iPhone's touchscreen will be as convenient as working with the on-screen keyboard proposed by Apple in the “newly invented phone”. It should also be noted, to install HWPen, the iPhone must be properly unblocked.
via Blog Makovod

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23924/

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