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The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 73 (September 29 - October 5)

Perhaps the main event of this week was the presentation of Windows 10 - the new "universal" OS of Microsoft, whose Technical Preview can already be tried. Besides it, there is the story of Lumia SensorCore SDK, FbStart from Facebook, the ecosystem for developers from Rostelecom and absolutely the best material of the week - 20 ways of fraud when buying an iPhone.

Microsoft introduced Windows 10

Windows 10 will be installed on a wider range of devices compared to previous versions of OC. These devices include not only personal computers, laptops, tablets, but also smart phones, televisions, various boards, and industrial devices used for Internet of Things scenarios.

Google continues to etch unwanted Android developers?

On Habré already there were articles devoted to every possible reprisals from Google in relation to developers. However, it seems that the corporation of good has acquired new methods of dealing with developers that it does not like.

Application Economics is not bad, it matures

The latest data shows that people's interest in mobile applications is waning. But what really happens?



Windows phone


Marketing and monetization



The worst of the swelled

Digest last week . If I missed something in the search for updates, send it to the mail, I will quickly add it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239217/

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