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E-generator has made a rating of the best advertisers in Russia

The interactive creative system E-generator.ru , which belongs to the investment holding FINAM, according to the 2006 results, made the rating of creativity of Russian advertising agencies. He was headed by the Moscow branch of Saatchi & Saatchi, who managed to push the last year’s leader, Moscow Instinct, to the second position. In third place was another agency from Moscow - Znamenka.

The distribution of positions in the ranking took into account the levels of places that companies occupied at various advertising festivals (MIAF, Idea !, ADCR, Golden Drum, Epica, Cannes Lions). Scoring points also depended on the credibility of the festivals themselves - the maximum weight was Cannes Lions. For the correctness of the calculation, not all types of competitions were taken into account, but only those that are presented at all the festivals considered.

Overall, in 2006, the top ten leaders of the creativity rating changed significantly. It left only three companies from those that were in the lead in 2005. In addition to "Instinct", the stability was demonstrated by the St. Petersburg agency IQ Marketing and the Moscow "Native Speech". In the TOP-10 rating is another representative of St. Petersburg - Great, who finished fifth. Moscow is also represented by such leading players as BBDO Group, FCB MA and Depot WPFBrand & Identity.
“The rating results can speak about the appearance of new stars in our market,” says Yury Belousov, general director of E-generator.ru. In his opinion, Znamenka, FCB MA and Depot WPF Brand & Identity showed themselves most clearly. Belousov separately noted the work of the leader of the rating - Saatchi & Saatchi: “The video“ In a dream ”, which paints the idyllic village life of layers, became for its creators a truly chicken, carrying, if not always, golden, but certainly not simple eggs. He was rated at MIAF and Epica. ”

The representation of regional players among the leaders of the rating remained at the level of 2005 - three agencies entered the top ten, seven - in the top twenty. So, on the 10th place this year was the group “Melekhov and Filyurin” (Novosibirsk), at 12-14 places - “Pride Media” (Lipetsk), at 15-16 - Yekaterinburg “Delta Plan”. 17-18 positions are shared by Real PRO (Novokuznetsk) and Nebo (St. Petersburg). In total, the rating included 132 companies, about a third of which are regional.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2392/

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