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Why I bought another bitcoin

Something amazing is happening all over the world.

It's not hard to catch, but only a few notice it, because everyone is busy and because people (for the most part) have trouble finding small gradual shifts. These two tweets from The Daily Beast sum up well. Can you guess what this is about?

People lose confidence in their states. It looks strong. And fast. The proliferation of smartphones and round-the-clock social media over the past few years have apparently created a desperate and always united society. But nevertheless, it has awakened millions of people, they saw the level of madness in the modern world: our salaries and taxes serve things that are simply insane. For example, this Texas guy who faces life imprisonment for a marijuana cake. Or Ferguson this summer. Or an elderly lady with a crown, a queen, advising her nation to think very carefully about her economic freedom.

Or billions of dollars that are being watched, a violation of our civil liberties, the restriction of the Internet, a global resource for the human species.

Or we are on the verge of a third Iraq war.

People are fed up with unselected (and sometimes dubiously chosen) strangers who tell them how to live their lives.

And we are tired of the constant instability, promoted for our own benefit by various bankers, spies and careerists from the army and the police.

The world will move to Bitcoin, because we are already seeing cracks in the asphalt. We do not like when they lie to us, but it seems that they lied to us very much.

Moreover, Bitcoin will not even bring people like you and me to worldwide use. Ironically, these will be large corporations. You see, private money is becoming a real thing and a competitive product. And the euro, dollar, and other government bureaucratic currencies are not good enough. They are led by crazy people who are losing their power, crazy people are in debt to themselves, but still continue to equip police stations with weapons; crazy people who diligently continue the disastrously expensive and inhuman "war on drugs"; crazy people who are simply unpredictable in their cruelty.

Large multinationals do not like such risks and instability. Now that there is a distributed form of open source money, companies will invest in it. It is just a matter of time. What is globally decentralized is better than what is held in the hands of several psychos.

Thus, one day we will achieve “fractal freedom” (that is, in the epicenter of our renewed civilization, an honest way of earning, and then everything else will also begin to look more fair).

Real consequences: fewer wars; less snooping; less money for cops who behave like occupying troops, ruin lives, collect private messages from millions of innocent people, and in the case of Florida even support the accusations of those who sell bitcoins.

We are tired of lawlessness, which is ripping society into trillions and starting wars that nobody needs.

We want to work with something fair, fast and global. Because our confidence in humanity is greater than ever: we learn faster than before, communicate in a new way, create things that were science fiction just a few decades ago. Now humanity is a great investment, but the state ... We are fed up. They have become a bottleneck for economic growth, security and stability.

Billions of internet-connected minds will sooner or later find a solution to this problem. And several million have already been found - these are Bitcoin users. Pioneers of cryptocurrency.

I still firmly believe that these "several million" will soon turn into "all." The same pattern of growth manifested itself with television, cellular, Facebook. And the same will happen with digital money.

When this happens, when we gain fractal freedom, we will look around and realize that many of these problems simply do not exist anymore.

By the time your aunt will have a bitcoin wallet, the economy will be different. You will breathe free air and will not even know why.

So this morning I bought another bitcoin. And I think that the price will rise, because many people feel the same.

Translator's Note

In this text we are talking about the purchased Bitcoin (a specific name, with a capital); on Habré, as a rule, they write “Bitcoin”, but I write “Bitcoin” in Russian and in small letters. There are several reasons for this:

Report inaccuracies, errors or typographical errors (regardless of their severity) in a personal. Thank you in advance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239179/

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