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7 best tools for solving business problems from a business consultant generalist

“Taking good advice means expanding your abilities”

Johann Goethe

Business, as you know, never goes to the bottom without a reason, the collapse is always preceded by a detail, which at one time passed by the head. The same applies to the prosperity of the company - it is only at first glance “lucky”, “lucky coincidence”, but in fact the whole complex of reasons is a component of success. The bottom line is that every little thing should be thought out, all departments of the company must work harmoniously and at full speed, and therefore as efficiently as possible.

If something went wrong - whether it is a drop in sales, an increase in overhead costs, or just a steady, rather than development, business movement is a clear alarm. In order to prevent the situation from worsening and not wasting their own time, many managers turn to specialized business advice.

Specialists of this kind are not needed for a long period of time, they are the “first aid” of the business, and after everything returns to normal, the need for a professional consultant disappears by itself. Although I have been working with my clients for years, but the main project phase usually lasts no more than one and a half years. Management consultants are divided into two groups: specialists and generalists. In fact, these are two extreme states describing a set of skills and knowledge of a person. A specialist is a narrow professional who knows “all about one thing”, but the generalist covers the company's position in a global sense, sees its current state, development prospects and the possibility of improving the situation.
As a generalist, I draw attention to all the problems that are inherent in the company at the moment and determine the fastest and safest methods for solving them. My main principle corresponds to the medical one: "Do no harm." Even from the most critical and hopeless situation, a company can be pulled out and made to grow rapidly, but at the same time one can bankrupt it if one tries to save too boldly and illiterately, as beginners usually do without much practical experience.

In the profession of the generalist, both positive and negative experiences are equally important. Therefore, I analyze not only how and why companies achieve success, but even pay more attention to the causes of failures. This allows me to have a clear idea of ​​what to do, and what is by no means impossible.

For 10 years of work, I have developed a certain toolkit, which I advise most clients as the best option for solving their business problems. The use of modern technologies is an important component of success, but in the blind pursuit of innovations, the main thing is lost, namely the usability and integration of services. Using the examples of many innovations, we can confidently assert that the new is not always the best. If the goal is to solve the problem, to ensure convenience and efficiency of work, then the tools described below are fully justified.

My main tool for solving business problems

Customer relationship
Mailing List. It is imperative that the distribution was beautiful and timely. For this purpose, I use Mailchimp , a tool for sending emails in droves . Why I chose it:

Newsletter SMS. This is the most effective channel among all existing. Information is personalized, you can be sure that it will be received by a person, not a machine. I use the Littlesms service. Because it provides:

Now they do not register new clients, but I still entered them into my list as I and my clients used this service for sending SMS.

Phone calls. Of course, direct contact with the client is extremely important. I chose the ZOHO CRM system in conjunction with Asterisk and Freepbx . The system is ideal for recording incoming and outgoing calls, automatically linking to a contact (displaying full information about the user who is calling). Its advantages:

Online trading
Internet platform for building sites. There are many options in the network, the best is, in my opinion, Drupal 7 and Commerce. The reasons:

Platforms for wholesalers. Wholesale differs significantly from retail. LTo accept bulk orders, I use and recommend the Profishop service. Its advantages:

Record keeping
Accounting. It's no secret that the ideal accounting tool is. This service is used in almost any company, because:

Inventory control. The best, in my opinion, are 1C trade management in the wording 11. Reasons:

As you can see, almost all of these technologies are cloudy. You do not need to have your own resources - simple registration is enough to start using most services. Each of these services (except 1c) has a free trial rate, which minimizes investments and leaves room for choice.

However, advice on the use of these systems is nothing more than a general recommendation. It all depends on the current state of the company, its goals and problems, and the business consultant is needed to assess the situation and choose what will suit you. I hope my recommendations were helpful to you, in the following articles I will try to dwell on these points in more detail.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239159/

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