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Marketing tips: how to use quiz to attract users

Quizzes as a tool to engage visitors to the site are incredibly popular. Marketers mercilessly use the cognitive beliefs of people and their craving for passing tests, quizzes, guessing crossword puzzles and charades. But how to make your quiz more than 20,000 times in just 3 days? All the secrets will tell in the article.

On July 5, 2014, a food blog titled Food52 posted a quiz on Twitter called “What cake are you?”

The purpose of the quiz was to tell readers of the blog about the appearance on the site of several new recipes for cakes. After passing the quiz, each participant received his “cake type” as well as a link to get acquainted with the recipe of this delicacy on the Food52 blog.
By the evening of July 7th (just three days later, the quiz starts), the post with quiz was viewed more than 20,000 times - it became just a hit!

The success story of the quiz held by Food52 has not been one of a kind lately. In the past six months, quizzes are gaining popularity and are increasingly spreading over the Internet.

Content marketers are also actively involved in this process, but it is not so easy to create and conduct a quiz that will be successful.

To facilitate the task and get to know you with the mysterious world of quizzes and quizzes, I prepared several tips that have been accumulated as a result of analyzing more than 1,500 quizzes of different brands that I helped create.

In addition, I will introduce you to three successful examples of content marketing quizzes, and in the end we will discuss various distribution methods that will help attract as much traffic as possible to pass your quiz.

So, let's begin

Part One: How to create a quiz that will intrigue?
Here are a few key points to keep in mind when working on a quiz.

Choose a suitable topic . Before you start working on a quiz, you need to figure out what it will be about, what is its main idea. Some companies will not think long about the answer, for example, for a blog dedicated to dogs, a great quiz topic would be “What kind of dog are you?”, But it happens that the object is not so obvious. Here are some tips to help you decide on a topic:
Rely on the knowledge of your audience. Create a quiz for a specific group of people. Trying to reach all users is a bad idea. If you publish a quiz, first of all, for those people who are interested in it, the probability of success will be much higher, even if there are not very many such users.
Refer to one person. Focus on the user who really likes your quiz, and write for him. So, your message will look friendly and will be written in easy language. And if you can not think of a person who will be interested in your quiz, then perhaps you should reconsider this idea?

Come up with a headline that will be impossible to resist.

The title of quiz is one of its main elements. If you write something horrible, you will alienate those who could pass your quiz, and the quiz will be doomed to failure. The good news is that there are special header templates that are well perceived and motivate to click on the link with the quiz:

“Indeed”: “What do you really know about the World Cup?” no one can retreat without accepting it.
“And what are you ... ..?”: “What cake are you?” Similar quizzes are based on the traditional Myers-Briggs personality test, just the personality types need to be replaced by the types of something else relevant to your company.
Comparison with celebrities: “Which celebrity hairstyle will suit you?” This template resembles a quiz by definition of personality type, however you can come up with various quiz topics related to your business.

Ponder the questions

It is through the questions in the quiz that you can communicate with users and even build favorable relations with them. This is the part where the magic of the quiz begins. Unlike many other forms of content, quiz allows you to communicate with each user who passes quiz, as if one to one.

Here are some tips that will help build a conversation correctly:

Expand your inner personality . Or, if you communicate with users on behalf of someone else, emphasize their individuality. The best quiz people conquered people with their own identity - yours or the person you create.
Follow the pub rule. Ask questions like you're sitting in a pub with friends. This rule is named after the Irish Post, a British newspaper that managed to attract the attention of Irish people living in London, using the well-thought-out style of quiz questions.
Do not be afraid to ask about personal data. Encourage people to tell you about themselves by answering quiz questions.

Deliver results so that they are shared.

Quiz results are your chance to ensure that users share them, advertise your products, click on the site, etc. Here are some simple rules, following which, you will increase the chances of success:

Be positive. We are used to sharing things that put us in a good light on social media. Make the results of your quiz consistently positive to increase the likelihood that users will tell about the quiz in the social. networks.
Do not lie. Being positive is not about splurging users. Your positivity should be based on real facts. For example, if you tell someone that he is a truck, emphasize their usefulness and reliability, and not that they are big and dirty.
Deliver the results so that they are shared. There is a special formula for quotes that are divided. It looks like this: “I [my result] [name of quiz]. For example: “I am a chocolate cake. And what cake are you? ”In the process of creating a quiz, make sure that its results and the title look good together when they are divided.

Part Two: Three Ways to Use Quotes

Quiz is a fascinating interactive multimedia element that is not perceived as traditional marketing.

Here are three examples of how companies use quizzes to promote their business.

To attract traffic from social networks

Quotes can attract a lot of social traffic to your domain, where potential customers will continue their journey through the sales funnel.

The creators of the Food52 quiz, which I mentioned at the beginning of this post, did serious work in this area. Each quiz result included a link to a recipe, and the quiz entailed thousands of transitions back to Food52.com from Facebook and Twitter.

To generate new leads

You can use quotes to collect new contacts by offering to specify an email address before displaying quiz results.

A good example of a new lead generation quiz is the Worth Global Style Network (WGSN), a fashion analytics company.

The WGSN created a quiz called “What is your type of customer?” And shared it with potential customers. Quiz content demonstrates the solutions that WGSN offers to its client. Before you show results that tell you what your "type of customer" is, you are asked to provide an email address so that the WGSN can share with you a lot of analytical information about customers.

This principle can be used in another business - just change the call to action and everything is ready.

To collect valuable visitor information

Quiz analysis will help you to get extremely useful information about visitors. Having understood what kind of people come to your site, and what their interests are, you will be able to offer content in the future that will be useful to your audience.

A good example is Zlien, a site that helps artists get paid. They created a quiz about payments and shared it on their blog. After the quiz passed a few hundred times, analytic data showed that it was difficult for readers, and Zlien used this information to create new articles on these topics to educate its readers.

Part Three: How to spread your quiz

After you have created the perfect quiz suitable for your marketing tasks, you need to advertise it so that users start to pass the quiz. There are 4 easy ways to do this.

On your website or blog

The quiz can be placed on any page, as well as YouTube videos. When the quiz is located on your website, all sharings, links and comments are made on your domain, and you do not risk losing users in the abyss of social networks.

On Facebook

There are two different ways to spread quiz on Facebook, and each of them has its advantages:

In your chronicle. To share a quiz on your Facebook chronicle is the easiest way to share it. All you need is to choose a picture (or take one of those used in the quiz) and share it along with a link to quiz on your blog or on the quiz page.
On the user tab. If the quiz is a permanent part of your Facebook page, you can embed it in a custom tab. My favorite example is UCDavis. They have embedded the quiz “And how famous are you a farmer?” On the page of their student, so that their potential students can feel how close the relationship with the school is.

On Twitter

The formula for spreading your Twitter quiz works in the same way as in the Facebook chronicle. This is useful if you are using an image that gives a visual representation of your quiz. Share the quiz on Twitter on a mid-day weekday, and then do it two more times over the next three days, and don't do it anymore.

In the email newsletter

You can talk about quiz by email-mailing, which will attract users to your site. Give the link leading to the page of the site, in which there will be only a quiz and nothing else.

Finally ...

Food52 managed to attract 20,000 users in three days using a quiz - and you can do the same on your website!

Creating a quiz that will be popular is not easy, but one day you will understand that quizzes are part of content marketing and can be used as a new way to interact with customers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239133/

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