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What the coming century is preparing for us or 1000 words about the future of cloud technologies

Cloud technologies are just beginning to develop and, like a small child, take the first steps. Today, the cloud computing market has exceeded $ 45 billion, and by 2020 this figure will increase to 150 billion. But money is not the issue, but how the clouds will change and change the world in the near future. Let's say in five to ten years.


The software will separate from the hardware

Do you have a familiar CEO in a world-renowned IT company? If yes, firstly, you are very lucky, and secondly, you can ask a specialist to depict a map of the company's infrastructure, which he sees in five years. Only here, instead of a scheme, you will most likely get a story about potential cooperation with providers. But you will not get a detailed answer about the infrastructure.
Even today, cloud applications are often used to automate business using CRM, ERP, PSA, and HR systems stored on remote servers. People are increasingly using cloud-based tools for document collaboration, word processing and video conferencing. Many organizations transfer the most important data to cloud storage, gradually abandoning expensive servers and backup systems. What can we say, even if the telephone systems move to the clouds.

Every year these trends are only increasing, and in the future, the software used will be somewhere “far beyond the horizon”, and the information from it will pass through several filters before starting to interact with the user's computer. For the same reason, applications created on the platform as a service will be completely demanding on the capabilities of computer equipment. At least that's what Ranga Bodla, NetSuite vertical marketing director, thinks so.

Priority to modular software

The complexity and size of individual programs are growing by leaps and bounds. At the same time, many companies seek to reduce costs by breaking the IT infrastructure into separate components. In addition, many require developers to provide opportunities to add new features that should not affect the performance of existing programs. In this regard, the main focus of the software development process will be on modules, through which you can install the dynamic parts of the application without stopping or restarting it.

As a result, cloud technologies will require new systems thinking, and software development will have to be considered from different angles. Especially considering that in the near future, applications can be stored not just in the cloud: they will consist of many modules located on servers of different cloud services. After all, the charge for using cloud services has not been canceled, and the placement of individual program components in different repositories can be one of the ways to reduce the cost of software.


In other words, it will be more profitable to store different parts of the applications from different service providers. And now it will not be enough to write a program - in the near future it will be necessary to ensure reliable agreements on the maintenance of software packages between providers. And this, according to one of the leaders of HP, John Manley (John Manley), is not at all easy.

Low-power processors stimulate lower prices for cloud service providers

Even today, low-power chips are available on the market that allow the use of low-power processors for data processing.

It is likely that in five to six years low-power chips will be everywhere, even in microwaves. All this will lead to a serious reduction in energy costs, and much more useful work can be done for a dollar than today.


As a result, cloud providers will save money on electricity and share part of the savings with developers: according to IDC, the market, and therefore competition between cloud services, will grow by 25-30% annually over the next five years, which will force service providers to reduce the price as far as possible.

Data security will be improved.

According to the results of the annual research of Gigaom, in the next two years up to 70% of the largest IT-companies will transfer the main software to the clouds. And they all require reliable security guarantees for their data.

Today, developers are busy to prove to people that the future of cloud technologies and soon applications, platforms and services will be placed only in the clouds. After five to seven years, this question will disappear by itself, and experts will be able to concentrate on the protection of cloud technologies used to solve complex problems and process large amounts of information, instead of convincing users of the benefits of clouds.

Undoubtedly, the physical security of data centers is as important as strong encryption of information. In the near future, the minimum requirements for the current SSL protocol will be seriously changed: you will probably have to forget about the current 256 bits, as you forgot about encryption of 56- and 60-bit encryption. Due to the ever-increasing security requirements, physical access to the data center will also be severely limited, and to enter the protected room you will need not only an electronic key, but also a biometric scanning procedure. Signaling systems that exist today will also change (they are improved in principle every year).


In addition to physical data security, VPN technologies will be enhanced to protect data transmission. Even today, trends in the development of the VPN architecture make it possible to protect not only text data, but also video applications and voice information. In the next two to three years, the number of new solutions to improve security will only increase. New firewall policies will limit VPN traffic to specific IP addresses and ports, and with updated firmware, cloud servers will be protected many times more reliably than today.

Clouds will make people richer

The world does not stand still, and the Internet is developing with such speed that problems with IP addresses have already begun. However, up to the moment when the cloud will become the standard for all applications and the Internet will cover everything around, as far as possible. Many businessmen still use powerful computers for data processing. But soon the clouds will greatly unload computers and provide access to data wherever there is Internet.

But that is not all. Over time, software is becoming increasingly standardized: leading companies are working on web application compatibility; to open a PDF file, it is no longer necessary to install Acrobat, and Word 2013 is able to work with dozens of different file types. Brian Posey (Brien Posey), not once recognized as the MVP of Microsoft, believes that the software formats will be standardized as mobile connectors were standardized.


This will allow companies to easily interact with each other. And ultimately, cloud computing will lead to changes in the production cycle and strengthen communication in the work of the various components needed to create the final product. All this will force manufacturers to produce better products at a lower price.

What is the result?

The future of cloud computing is a chance for a huge technological breakthrough for companies using this technology today. The above are just some of the trends associated with the development of cloud computing. However, in a few years we will see that the clouds will bring much more benefit to the world than can be supposed now. Company owners should stay abreast of the latest developments in the world of cloud technologies in order to maintain competitive advantages. And users - wait for the development of cloud technologies will affect the overall standard of living. Very soon, cloud technologies will allow you to work faster and more efficiently than is happening today. And along with their spread, our lives will accelerate.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239131/

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