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The future of social networks. Social Experience 2008

What is the future of social networks in Russia and the world? How to create your social network project? How to attract investors and win the trust of users? What are the prospects for the Russian market of social networking projects?

For the first time, Moscow will host the Social Experience 2008 , a professional conference dedicated to the creation, development and increase of profitability of social networking projects and services. The event will take place on May 22-23, 2008 in Moscow at the international information and exhibition center "InfoSpace".

Participants will have a lot of reports and workshops, analytical meetings, round tables, discussions, forums with foreign and Russian experts of social networking projects, with ideological inspirations and promising newcomers to the industry. There will also be a press conference with the participation of Western and Russian speakers, leaders of social networks and blogs.

The main areas of the conference are social networks, the blogosphere, online games and dating sites.
The main topics of the conference:
- The future of social networking networks in Russia and the world. Creation and promotion of social networking projects. Attracting investors and winning user confidence.

- User Generated Content: the legal responsibility of the user and resource. How to start a startup with minimal investment? Monetization of Internet projects. Standalone bloggers. Social Marketing Optimization. The blogosphere and the media are points of contact. Leaders of opinion. The impact of the blogosphere on public opinion.
- The future of online games. Marketing and usability of online games. Adaptation of online-games for the Russian audience. Cultural characteristics and differences. Successful online projects in the Russian market. Innovative technologies in online games. Monetization of online games in the Russian market.

- Dating sites as advertising platforms with the most ample opportunities for targeting. International dating sites as a consequence of globalization. Types of scammers and how to deal with them. Ways of monetization and prospects for the development of dating sites.

The conference will benefit a wide range of audiences: from ordinary users to the owners of the largest Internet resources - to all who are interested in the life and development of the Internet community.
“Today, millions of users, including schoolchildren, students and housewives, as well as well-known politicians, businessmen and TV presenters, have“ their own space ”on the Internet. Blogs, photo albums, communities, videos are a great opportunity to develop personal and business relationships. The companies that were the first to provide platforms for self-expression and online communication earn millions of dollars today, and in the future their profits will only increase.

How to create a new social network project? How to attract investors and what new needs to be offered to users?

How to take your place in the sun and make your project profitable? What are the prospects for the Russian market of social networking projects?

We talk about all this and many other things at the Social Experience 2008 conference.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23913/

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