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SPU = PMBok, or is everything new - well forgotten old?

It is known that the contours of project management as a modern scientific and engineering discipline began to take shape in the 50s of the 20th century in the USA. During this period, the beginning of the method of calendar and network planning.

However, it should not be forgotten that, even in the 1920s, the development of design technologies was also going on actively in our country. The country with the largest planned economy in the world, the USSR from the 30s of the last century began to implement a number of large-scale projects, and the names of some became world-famous.

Few people know that in the USSR there was a separate discipline called “Scientific Organization of Labor” (abbreviated as “HOT”), which included key design methods and tools that are successfully used today in PMBok.
But first things first.

Scientific and technological progress, accelerated with the beginning of the century, greatly complicated the task of coordinating and executing current operations, which served as an incentive to improve the methods of planning and managing technical developments in production.

For effective management of enterprise resources in the framework of the project activity, a network planning and management methodology (SPU) was developed, which has become one of the elements of the NOT.

By the end of the 60s, network planning and management methods as an integral part of project activities were widely used in our country, being successfully applied in all key sectors of the economy: construction, industry, research institutes.

The issues of development of network planning as a scientific discipline and methodology for the implementation of projects were supervised by special institutions - the Research and Development Institute of SPU; in many enterprises, units were created that were engaged in network planning. SPU were taught and continue to be taught in all construction universities, and construction faculties of the country, they are included in the curricula of advanced training programs.

So, what is the network graphical model of the project, what elements does it consist of?

The basis of network planning and management is the network model, or, in other words, a graphical representation of the work plan, which vividly reflects the sequence of all stages of a project from its start to a specific result.

Work - these are actions performed on a certain period of time, aimed at achieving a specific result and, accordingly, requiring the expenditure of resources. The graph is depicted in the form of arrows.

Under the work can also be understood as an expectation that does not require labor, but takes time.
In addition, the work may reflect the logical sequence and interrelation of events. An example of this is the transmission and reception of information.

An event is the end result of one or more activities. The final event of each work at the same time is the start for the next one. Only the final event has no follow up. Any sequence of work from event to event is called a path. The graph is displayed as a circle or another grammatical figure.

The initial event accompanies the initiation of the project, and the final event, respectively, of its implementation.

A path is a chain of consecutive jobs between the original and final events.

When executing unique projects, a realistic assessment of their laboriousness is often difficult, and therefore a probabilistic estimate of time costs. Instead of one number (deterministic estimate), two estimates are set — the minimum (optimistic) estimate and the maximum (pessimistic) estimate.

The minimum (optimistic) estimate reflects the time of the event in the most favorable circumstances, and the maximum (pessimistic) estimate with the most adverse.

The difference between the late and early dates of the event is a time reserve.

The logical connection between the two events is work. To perform a certain work, a time reserve is also provided, calculated from the difference between optimistic and pessimistic deadlines for its implementation.

In order to estimate the duration of operations to be the most accurate, PMBok uses the program evaluation and analysis method (PERT). This method allows to estimate the range of the duration of operations:

  1. most likely (tM). The duration of the operation is determined taking into account the preliminary allocation of resources, their performance, realistic assessment of their availability for the operation, dependence on other participants and delays.
  2. optimistic (tO). The duration of the operation is based on an analysis of the most favorable scenario for the development of the operation.
  3. pessimistic (tP). The duration of the operation is based on an analysis of the most unfavorable scenario of the operation.

PERT analysis allows you to determine the expected (tE) duration of the operation by calculating the weighted average of three estimates:

tE = (tO + 4tM + tP) / 6

It would seem, what does PMBok have to do with it?

PMBok concentrates in itself a number of areas of knowledge in the field of project management. This includes phased planning of project activities based on control events (Milestone Schedule), project content management (Project Scope Management), providing for work hierarchy.

The formula for calculating the duration of the operations given above is applied today in PMBok, where this method is called Program Evaluation and Analysis (PERT).

The fundamental difference between the two disciplines - PMBok and SPU - lies precisely in the fact that the first is the universal methodological basis for organizing project management in any areas of activity, and the second, respectively, is a utilitarian inherently work management system in the production, scientific and technical areas.

And in conclusion - the educational video of 1973, which is available and vividly telling about what network project planning and management (SPU) is, what is the usefulness of this discipline for the enterprise. Recommended for viewing:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239121/

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