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10 tools to work on increasing the conversion of an online store

What if high traffic to your site does not affect the amount of your sales?
When you sell products and services through an online store, your marketer is not only concerned about the number of visits to the store, a considerable part of the attention of modern marketing is turned to conversion.
To start working with the conversion of the site, first, you need to answer two questions for yourself:

According to Baymard.com, on average, about 65% of online store visitors never become their customers. Why it happens? To answer this question can be difficult when you do not have the opportunity to communicate with your customers personally. It’s one thing to listen to a customer’s opinion when he comes to your store, and another to do it online. To obtain the necessary information in this case is rather difficult, but fortunately, it is possible.

We have compiled a list of the 10 most popular tools for versatile work on the conversion of an online store.
But before proceeding, let's consider a number of main reasons why potential customers often leave the website before they make a purchase. So:
  1. Additional commission (more than 56% of buyers claim that it is an additional commission for using certain services that is the main reason for refusing to purchase goods).
  2. Slow page loading and complex site navigation.
  3. Foreign currency or inability to pay (an international online store should provide several types of currency and payment methods that are most often used in delivery camps).

Retaining customers on the site is quite difficult, and it is even more difficult to motivate them to make an order. In order not to lose a potential client, you should pay attention to those factors that may affect his decision. Naturally, keeping the client before he leaves the website is much easier than making contact with him after the failed transaction.
A few simple tips that you probably already know, but a reminder is always helpful:

If you did not succeed in keeping the client on the site, a competent email-mailing can help him return. At the moment, it is the most effective method of returning old customers . In any case, for collecting information, cataloging, creating reports and working with this information, there are a lot of tools with a different set of functions, let's move on to our top-10.


One of the deservedly popular online marketing solutions is an international platform for creating and promoting online projects Shopify . It offers fast and secure hosting, as well as provides support for your customers, has a full range of necessary tools for online marketing and practical design.
She also has some useful additions, for example:
This supplement improves sales performance by providing customer feedback.
Abandon App.
With the help of the Abandon App, you can restore the list of broken deals and reduce your time to search for contact information of customers who have left the site.
Abandon Aid.
This add-on Shopify gives you the opportunity to make a full analysis of customers who have visited your site but have not made a single purchase.


The Rejoiner tool helps to personalize remarketing letters, assess their effectiveness, and also convert abandoned order forms into an active base of potential customers.
A sufficiently high percentage of visitors, visiting the site, choose a product and add it to the cart by entering their details in the order form. Not the fact that a person makes a purchase, but the data on his order will remain in your database. In turn, Rejoiner helps to recreate this very database of lost customers.
The concept of this tool is quite simple: with the help of Rejoiner, we collect the necessary data that was previously entered by your users, personalize them, and then it’s up to email marketing.


The main goal of this tool is to answer the question: “Why do visitors not place an order on the site?”.
Qualaroo will help analyze the site visitors and determine:


The main function of this tool is social media remarketing. He can redirect your visitors through Twitter or Facebook accounts, as well as other social networks.
Over 15,000 famous brands such as GoPro, SalesForce, Zendesk use AdRoll . It is considered extremely useful in re-attracting customers. With it, you can place and personalize your advertising to display previously viewed products.
It tracks more than 300 different signals and is able to segment the base of visitors and customers based on the products they viewed. The orientation of people and the selection of interesting offers to them significantly increases the number of sales on the site. And finally, AdRoll has another function - Analytics, through which you can analyze your advertising budget.

Conversions on Demand

Conversions on Demand is an excellent solution that helps prevent the disruption of transactions in the present and insures against possible cancellations of orders in the future. He has such functions in his arsenal:


With CrazyEgg, you can accurately determine where and what your visitor clicked while on the site, even if he did not follow any links. If you can see open links with Google Analytics, CrazyEgg will give you a list of page elements that a visitor has pointed to or clicked.
This data is displayed as HeatMaps.
Advantages of CrazyEgg:


Nothing helps the client understand better than his feedback on the performance of your site.
Olark is an application that can in an easy and unobtrusive manner, you can ask the client your questions and immediately receive an instant answer.
Many customers avoid telephone conversations, because, firstly, it is not always convenient. Live chat, in turn, does not force you to talk, and at the same time helps you collect the necessary data, for example:

Make your list of questions that you would like to ask your customers, for example: “Would you tell your friends about our site?”, “What other products would you like to see on the site?” Etc.
Research shows that live chat greatly helps increase conversions.


Testimonials are a necessary part of online marketing. Studies show that the base of reviews about your products or about your site from previous customers is a very convincing sales tool. It should also be remembered that the mass of positive feedback is very striking and can cause distrust. Reviews on the site should be both positive and negative. In any case, do not overdo it with enthusiastic comments.
The main feature of YotPo is email-sending to customers who placed an order on your site within X days (data can be customized). In the letter, you can ask your buyer to share a review about the product, its quality and the transaction as a whole.
This newsletter will not only get the necessary feedback, but also force the buyer to return to the site. In addition, with the help of Yotpo, you can configure special social widgets that allow you to see the feedback left on social networks.


It's time to test your loyal customers (people who are really interested in your website, visit it and make purchases).
Ethnio is a so-called pop-up window that allows you to poll your customers. In the pop-up window, a question usually arises about whether a particular buyer would not like to take part in a survey to improve the quality of customer service.
The survey text can be customized to suit your goals. In order to lure a client and get him to answer your question, offer him some kind of discount for the next purchase or an additional bonus.


ClickTale gives you the ability to view the screens of your visitors, that is, to view what a particular buyer did on your site. This tool is a bit like CrazyEgg. He, like CrazyEgg, captures the movement of the mouse, as well as keystrokes while viewing the page.
The advantage of this tool is that with its help you will be able to see all the actions performed by the site visitor on this or that page. And this, in turn, will help to understand which pages or which blocks are really interesting for your customers, and which are not; You will be able to track the frequency and duration of the visitors on your site or on a particular page. In addition, it helps to work with order forms - looking in the report which form fields most often remain unlocked.
ClickTale is a great way to understand how well people interact with your website.

So, this is a dozen basic tools needed to increase the efficiency of online sales. At the moment there are a lot of other solutions, but these 10 - this is exactly what you should start with. They have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.
What tools to increase conversion do you use? Perhaps you know more comfortable or functional than the above?
Info taken from osiaffiliate.com

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239115/

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