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Kids corn, or quadrocopters again on guard order

While drones in Argentina are looking for undeclared mansions , and in the UK they are looking for car thieves in the bushes , the North Dakota police are also not standing aside.

Four teenagers who were charged with drunk driving could not hide in the cornfield from the vigilant camera of the Qube quadrocopter. The system, among other things, is equipped with a thermal imager, which allows you to work at any time of the day and look for people in the undergrowth.
Until now, many are afraid that such gadgets will allow police to spy on them. But in this case, the use of a quadcopter is completely legal: after all, they were not looking for “someone”, but the suspect, and then immediately after committing the crime.

Presentation of the system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/239111/

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